Example sentences of "[be] [verb] at [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Thus the Globigerina ooze on the floor of the Indian Ocean seems to be accumulating at between a and I centimetre per thousand years .
2 Purposive sampling , for example , could not be effectively done in advance of interviewing , since significant others could only be guessed at without the informant furnishing more detailed information .
3 Her feelings for him may be guessed at from a text she wrote decades later , after Gustave 's death .
4 This can already be guessed at from the demonic intensity of his most famous recordings , and it is confirmed by first-hand reports .
5 McKim said : ‘ I can take a punch or a kick but to be spat at for no reason is disgusting .
6 The transition from one to the other takes place after a few seconds of observation , is discontinous and can not be stopped at in an intermediate position .
7 It must be looked at as a grand community of integrated environment .
8 A capital injection from the company 's bank has to be looked at as a probable source of additional finance , although this would mean a secured loan .
9 It is submitted that the whole of Skelton Village should be looked at as a unity , that there is extreme environmental value over its north part , and that were the village inset into the greenbelt , the inset boundary should be precisely as shown in the deposit copy of Southern Ryedale 's Local Plan .
10 Plowman J stated at p596 : The arrangement in my view must be looked at as a whole , and looked at in this way , I find it impossible to say that the Respondent did not provide the trustee with an income … in the sense in which the word " provided " is used in [ what is now TA 1988 , s663 ] ; that is to say , as importing an element of bounty .
11 But the important point here I think , is that this is a corporate , or may be a corporate res responsibility , and therefore my understanding is that the officers are going to look at those parts which may be looked at as a corporate responsibility , and I would therefore erm , assume that one would look at all the C A B services in that light .
12 Can the reports of these commissions and committees be looked at as an aid to construction ?
13 The emergence of three youngsters from Ibrox , Murray , Hagen and Pressley , could be looked at as an unusual bonus but that initial impression may not necessarily be the correct one .
14 And because this issue is clearly so site related , it seems to me it can not possibly be looked at at a strategic level .
15 Football League spokesman Ian Cotton admitted : ‘ The competition will be looked at at the end of the season . ’
16 ‘ The Managers ' Association have written to the FA suggesting this is an area that needs to be looked at for the good of football .
17 This rule has now been relaxed so as to permit reports of commissioners , including law commissioners , and white papers to be looked at for the purpose solely of ascertaining the mischief which the statute is intended to cure but not for the purpose of discovering the meaning of the words used by Parliament to effect such cure : Eastman Photographic Materials Co . Ltd. v. Comptroller-General of Patents , Designs and Trademarks [ 1898 ] A.C. 571 and Assam Railways and Trading Co . Ltd. v. Commissioners of Inland Revenue [ 1935 ] A.C. 445 , 457–458 .
18 Sir , Arising out of your questionnaire ( Transport September — October 1991 ) it occurred to me that perhaps the CIT logo could be looked at with a view to substituting something more modern or vibrant for the horse/steed .
19 The ASB proposals seem to imply that card portfolios should not be looked at on a portfolio basis and that the laws of large numbers do not apply .
20 For this the sore is gently scraped and any fluid that exudes can then be looked at under the microscope .
21 And to a very large degree , that has been erm , achieved , and I think that erm , the prospects for the county council for ninety-four five are now much better than they appeared to be a year ago , and er , I think the prospects for ninety-five six will need to be looked at through the budget review sub-committee and this committee at an early stage , and I 'm sure that the workman-like way in which it 's addressed it 's business is a good sign for the future .
22 It was agreed that the procedures for data entry would be looked at over the next few months , and further discussions would be held in due course .
23 I 'm now just got their comments now , and it may be helpful if I enclose a copy to er whoever may may wish to have a copy to be looked at over the weekend .
24 ‘ This is a technology , ’ says the UK Genetics Forum , ‘ which should be looked at from the point of view that if something goes wrong , it ca n't be put right .
25 Thus , as with biological theories , crime is seen as pathological ( a disease ) , as something to be looked at from the medical point of view .
26 Alternatively , you may come to the conclusion that there is a real distinction between the authorities , and in this event the problem must be looked at from the point of view of general legal principle or public policy to decide whether it should be brought under the one head or the other .
27 This is a matter of major constitutional importance which will have to be looked at by the House of Lords and no doubt considered by this place in due course .
28 On leaving the Service in August 1935 he spent several months looking around and also being looked at by the family of the lovely Ly , his Swiss wife , a scrutiny which was reciprocated when Ly had in turn , to be looked at by the swarm of Bennetts in Brisbane , Australia .
29 He deserves contempt not respect and his ability to handle further cases as serious as this should be looked at by the Lord Chancellor 's office .
30 Lenin 's attitude , in so far as it is discernible , will be looked at in a moment , but by this time he was more cut off through illness from daily supervision of affairs .
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