Example sentences of "[be] [verb] on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I started with the bottom rail as this would also have to be rebated on the bottom face to accommodate doors and top fixing for side panels .
2 The average width of reefs found by Daly was about 600 m ( 2 000 ft ) , while wide reefs in the Banda Sea between Celebes and New Guinea , which are between three and four times the average in width , could be explained on the reasonable grounds that the area is so near the equator that temperatures never fell sufficiently to kill the coral .
3 Of the genuinely difficult cases , those in which the jurist appears to use unclear language , most can be explained on the linguistic argument .
4 The hearing took two days , at the end of which the justices announced that the decision and reasons for decision would be given on the following morning .
5 Practical advice should be given on the immediate treatment required following an accident .
6 Thus , where a husband leaves the matrimonial home while still owning it , the usual capital gains tax exemption or relief for a taxpayer 's only or main residence would be given on the subsequent transfer to the wife , provided she has continued to live in the house and the husband has not elected that some other house should be treated for capital gains tax purposes as his main residence for this period .
7 Wind power turbines could be situated on the central reservation of motorways harnessing the draught produced by passing traffic .
8 All acts done within the actual authority of a partner will be binding on the firm whether carried out in the usual course of business or otherwise .
9 It was unclear , however , whether this decision would be binding on the military authorities which carried out the tests .
10 However , few predict that the government will raise direct taxation : that would be to renege on the fundamental Thatcherite principle of reducing income tax .
11 What we might be seeing on the extreme right is not the last stages of antisemitism , but its continuation in a climate without Jewish issues , or , to be precise , without the son of Jewish issues which can mobilize the support which the extreme right seeks .
12 Students generally will be examined on the taught elements of the courses by cumulative assessment or by written examinations , or a combination of the two .
13 But conventionalism can not be justified on the sole ground that surprise is inefficient or undesirable in these ways , because conventionalism does not protect against surprise as well as a simpler and more straightforward theory of adjudication would .
14 It is of no assistance , however , to your Lordships in the present appeal to debate the finer points of Reg. v. Lawrence with a view to deciding whether the decision in this House ( although not that of the Court of Appeal ) can be justified on the special facts .
15 Depreciation is to be calculated on the straight line basis to write off the net book value of fixed assets over their expected useful lives at the following annual rates , starting from the month that the asset was purchased .
16 The interest on your CheckOver will be calculated on the daily balance .
17 The current laws on all kicking should remain except that any ball caught on the full from kick in general play can be returned directly into touch with the line-out at the point where the ball goes out of play — e.g. a scrum-half kicking for touch would still need to bounce the ball into touch but , should the kick be gathered on the full , then it can be kicked directly into touch .
18 On the other hand , normalisation can lead to an increase in the number of relations and to data duplication so that relations can be joined on the primary key and foreign key .
19 The timetable for a scheme is governed primarily by the court rather than by the City Code , but the Panel will wish to be consulted on the overall timetable .
20 You will be consulted on the detailed nature of this training at an early stage .
21 A further emphasis should be placed on the absolute necessity of Employer Pension Contributions being maintained and no reduction in contribution should be permitted unless independent actuarial calculations endorse such a view ’ .
22 Question 14 Do you agree that no overall limit should be placed on the annual amount payable from the compensation fund ?
23 In verbs , if the last syllable contains a short vowel and ends with not more than one consonant , that syllable will be unstressed , and stress will be placed on the preceding ( penultimate ) syllable .
24 Although much recent work ( Maos , 1983 , 47 ) confirms that ‘ the efficiency of services is higher in concentrated settlement patterns and can be further improved by the transfer of service functions from lower to higher ranking centres ’ , some recent work has called for less emphasis to be placed on the economic evaluation of service provision .
25 Students will be introduced to the language of business and emphasis will be placed on the interpersonal skills involved in this type of activity .
26 He argued that greater emphasis needed to be placed on the practical applications of scientific work if Britain 's economic downturn were to be reversed .
27 Indeed , many of us thought that more emphasis should be placed on the cooperative use of the land resources of the crofts , perhaps on the lines of the ‘ joint managements ’ developed in southern Italy by the Cassa per il Mezzogiorno .
28 At other periods more emphasis might be placed on the political role of the coin design and this allowed a greater variety of designs to be used .
29 Animals could thus be placed on the different branches of the tree , but there was no symmetry about it all .
30 In communicating with the congregation , emphasis should be placed on the positive and encouraging aspects of the data .
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