Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] [adj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Were such variations arbitrary , or could they be explained in any logically consistent fashion ?
2 Ontario 's Attorney-General , Roy McMurtry , says he stands by the CDC report and Digoxin expert , Alois Hastreiter of the University of Illinois says post-mortem levels found in some of the patients were ‘ far too high to be explained by any naturally occurring substance ’ .
3 More advanced than Hermes , these rivals became ever more attractive financially as Hermes , an ‘ intermediate technology ’ , threatened to be delayed from 1995 possibly to 2000 .
4 Great credit must be given to this largely self-educated farmer who , often alone , trudged many thousands of miles in the Eastern States , searching for new trees , shrubs , plants and seeds to send to Collinson .
5 The burial of Jesus had to be completed by 6.00 pm since this is when the Sabbath began and it was forbidden to bury on the Sabbath .
6 erm I can not deny that erm they will not be received at all well by those that have to pay them .
7 The few dozen hotels already operating CHP , I forecast , will soon be joined by hundreds more .
8 But Peerson must be placed with other essentially conservative musicians such as John Hilton ‘ the younger ’ ( 1599–1657 ) who were nevertheless conscious of the new trend , as Hilton shows in his Ayres , or fa la 's for three voyces ( 1627 ) and solo songs , and still more in his dramatic dialogues ‘ Job ’ and ‘ King Soloman and the two Harlotts ’ .
9 The arguments could be developed in several quite different forms , and we need not list them all .
10 Because the father is the model for the superego and the actual embodiment of authority and the demands of the cultural prohibitions against incest and parricide within the individual 's own family , it is perhaps not surprising that the antagonism towards him and what he stands for need not be limited to such self-evidently anti-social and aggressive tendencies as those revealed in the statistics of crime and violence .
11 Finally the rather nondescript parted lips for the sound of ER ( long vowel no. 4 ) may be preceded by two slightly different sounds , as in
12 Equally , the content of one book may be superseded by another entirely different work containing new facts or a more modern approach .
13 At a pinch the spacers can be substituted for four appropriately sized nuts .
14 Does this also mean that a different kind of art history will be added to that already existing in the West ?
15 The football stadiums , the Bank Holiday , the Co-ops which boomed from the 1880s , the New Unionism and the socialist revival , the music hall , the seaside excursion , even the fish-and-chip shop , should all be added to this already impressive list of cultural and material innovations in this period .
16 Christian preachers could declare how wrong it was for an individual to be dominated by another so as to be his legal property , and to be bought for much less than the rich would give for a racehorse .
17 Inefficiencies such as these are avoidable , and the future of the NHS depends on developing a structure within which effective interventions can be targeted at those most likely to gain real benefit .
18 They felt that it should be targeted at those most in need and was really only useful for a small proportion of people with mental health problems .
19 So far as the law of affray is concerned , the provision in section 3(5) that the offence may be committed in private as well as in public states the existing law on the point , and arguably ‘ corrects the error ’ that had crept in to the law a century or so earlier .
20 Under the previous law , the offence could be committed in public only .
21 And as ag I will , I 'll be returning to this obviously in consideration of Italy and Germany , but it is perhaps worth making this point now .
22 ‘ You wo n't be walking on that again in a hurry . ’
23 For , to express warmth , to be constantly person-oriented and conciliatory , it is clearly ‘ necessary ’ that the housewife-wife-mother not be occupied with such highly instrumental tasks as cleaning the house , budgeting the housekeeping money , laundering the clothes , and throwing out the rubbish .
24 The theory of the foregoing section will now be applied to particular purely reactive filters .
25 It would be written like that sometimes if
26 It is clear , for instance , that 9 can be written in two quite distinct ways , as
27 MONTGOMERY councillors will be meeting in private tomorrow to consider a report on unauthorised deposit of controlled waste at the Severn Farm Industrial Estate , Welshpool .
28 There is , however , the difference that when heat is the driving component then layers are simply separated by narrow regions with steep gradients , but when salt concentration is the driving component they must be separated by other dynamically active layers — the ones containing salt fingers .
29 As a matter of good practice , not least because such matters will often touch on the ability of a partner to devote his full time and attention to the firm , full disclosure should always be made of such privately remunerated activities , whether or not the profits therefrom are strictly due to be brought into account .
30 In addition to the ‘ big six ’ , mention must be made of certain more specialized national companies , namely :
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