Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [conj] such [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The children were followed up some four years later at secondary schools so that the possibility could be considered that such differences were attributable to initial differences in their ability and adjustment rather than being caused by the schools ( Rutter et al. , 1979 ) .
2 Moreover , while ‘ ideology ’ retains , from the weight of linguistic usage , the sense of organized beliefs ( whether formal and conscious or pervasive and dissolved ) , it can often be supposed that such systems are the true origin of all cultural ( and indeed other social ) production .
3 BELOW Building on such skeletons , artists can come up with impressions of what dinosaurs like Triceratops looked like , but it should be stressed that such images are no more than guesses .
4 Only by engaging in extreme forms of economic casuistry can it be claimed that such things can be supplied satisfactorily without the agency of government at either national or local level .
5 Each of the lower feeders had their own cropping techniques , and a general assumption can be made that such techniques had themselves a co-evolutionary impact on plants .
6 Refunds will NOT be made where such charges have been levied by non-bank bureaux de change .
7 It remains to be seen whether such measures will go far to avoid a repetition of the basic abuses , however .
8 As emperor , Augustus gave financial compensation and some booty back , though it must be said that such acts of generosity were inspired less by guilt than by political revenge against cities that had supported his rival , Mark Antony : the returned booty was Antony 's plunder .
9 ( It should be said that such views often gained the support of feminists , particularly outraged by the forcible use of the speculum under the Contagious Diseases Acts . )
10 However , it should be ensured that such considerations do not preclude the drafting of the document in as commercial a manner as possible , taking into account at all times the purpose of its production .
11 It can be argued that such mothers may not develop protective IgG antibodies and may continue to carry the same strain of group B streptococcus .
12 It could be argued that such questions are of little value as respondents may be unwilling to label themselves as being in poor health .
13 It can be argued that such schemes should be embodied in statutes so as to put their administration and the principles of compensation on a firm legal footing .
14 It will be argued that such factors may have had considerable influence on what are widely believed to have been exclusively ‘ political ’ decisions .
15 It may be argued that such distinctions between what machines can do and what only humans can do are of merely temporary interest , since in principle there is nothing that a human can do that a machine might not be devised , some day , to do .
16 It can be argued that such tests are gender biased , both in their questions , which do not draw on social , female-oriented spheres of knowledge , and in their multiple choice format , which , by demanding a single answer from a set of often mutually exclusive possibilities , does not allow for women 's interactive , socially responsive way of solving problems .
17 If there are exclusively private events , in the sense that they are in principle , and not just empirically , inaccessible to more than one observer , it might be argued that such events could not be intelligibly claimed , let alone shown to be , subject to any laws , and this means that no rational explanatory model could be constructed for them .
18 It must not be thought that such differences are mere matters of imagination , and that we take the sensations to be different because we represent each of them to ourselves as occupying a different place .
19 It might be thought that such tenets were unambiguous enough in a democracy to be assured the most rigorous defence .
20 It might be thought that such policies spring from a desire , on the one hand , to ensure the free flowering of individual enterprise , and on the other , to guard against the tyrannies of " big business " .
21 Thus the tendency is to concentrate an analysis of the concept of existence or that of truth around the use of predicates such as " exists ( exist ) " and " true " , and their cognates ; the idea being that if it can be shown that such predicates can be paraphrased out of the relevant contexts by employing a different type of idiom , then there is little that remains to be said about the concepts .
22 However , it must be recognised that such claims for compensation would involve an extension of Francovich , both because that was a case of complete non-implementation , not just defective implementation , and because the UK government could argue that its implementation of the Directive in 1981 was done on the basis of its good faith understanding of what European law then required and so there was no element of fault in its decision-making at that time .
23 If it has to be backed up by close supervision and control a point may be reached where such activities are self-defeating .
24 The damages should be assessed as such sums as represented what a judge or registrar in the Family Division would have ordered the husband to pay or transfer under the provisions of section 25 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 .
25 It should be noted that such allowances are not available on the land element of any commercial building .
26 The role of Government should be to ensure that such pensions met sensible regulation so that the public interest was protected .
27 While that may seem an attractive option for a young partner , it ought to be remembered that such payments will come out of his taxed income .
28 Nevertheless , failures will be encountered and such failures can eventually attain a degree of seriousness that constitutes a serious crisis for the paradigm and may lead to the rejection of a paradigm and its replacement by an incompatible alternative .
29 The release of the three reinforced the prospect of others using the political defence against extradition , seeking to persuade Irish courts not to extradite those charged with terrorist offences if it could be proved that such offences had been committed in the cause of the reunification of Ireland .
30 As to schools , a DES spokesperson let it be known that such concerns are left to the LEAs and that studies of this kind are likely to be part of religious education .
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