Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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31 Sometimes the inlet pipe can be eased over a little and the overflow trimmed to suit .
32 Check , recharge and/or change as required any ion exchange media that you may be using on a frequent and routine basis .
33 However , the key to the avoidance of uncontrolled complexity in any engineering domain may be to go for a complete and as rigorous as possible a description of the problem in hand before any detailed calculations are made on the precise properties of the postulated design .
34 You may well , for instance , be depending to a large extent on the character of the victim ( as I was in The Murder of the Maharajah ) and the least troublesome way to put that character before the reader is in direct scenes showing the future victim in action .
35 Several of the calculations which produced low success rates could probably be undertaken with a good deal more success in the actual context concerned .
36 The argument that increased non-bank financial intermediation will tend to raise velocity and therefore the amount of spending that can be undertaken with a given stock of money , is simple enough if we once recognise in velocity the importance of the demand for money .
37 Even the duly authorised activities of the Simonova were going to be undertaken at a respectable distance .
38 Finally there may be a role for either haemodialysis or continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis , and cadaveric renal transplantation must not be forgotten , although assessment for such treatment can only be undertaken at a few specialist centres .
39 Atlantic Aeroengineering naturally specialises in the types in the remainder of the Group , the DC-3 , DC-6 , Britten-Norman BN-2A Islander and the Cessna 402/404 series , but work can be undertaken on a wide variety of types .
40 Preventative maintenance , virus checking and anti-virus updates will be undertaken on a regular basis .
41 It was because the economy was as yet exhibiting a modest rate of overall growth ( by modern standards ) that investment could be undertaken on a private and regional basis with the state 's role confined to that of legal enablement .
42 One such was that further detailed studies of the possible effects should be undertaken over a 12-month period .
43 The study will be undertaken in a consecutive cohort of 500 patients undergoing elective abdominal , thoracic and vascular surgery and involves audiotaping of information given to patients , issue of operation information cards ( on a random basis ) and assessment of the personality and mood traits .
44 Close work is not in itself detrimental to sight and need not be discouraged , but it should be undertaken in a comfortable position and with appropriate task lighting .
45 Repairs can be undertaken by a good skilled boot repairer , but if you have difficulty finding someone locally you can send your boots or shoes to Shoecare at Preston .
46 The struggle to end capitalist wage labour can not be helped by women opting out and can only be undertaken by a working class that is less divided by male domination than the present one .
47 A peer review of the outcomes of the enquiry will be undertaken by a working conference of informed critics whose observations will be incorporated into the final presentation of results early in 1990
48 With limited exceptions , it proposed that all functions of local government be undertaken by a single authority in each area .
49 These arrangements for review of the procedures were strongly condemned by the Opposition which argued that the monitoring function should be undertaken by a Select Committee of the House of Commons which would ‘ oversee the work of any person responsible for , or making use of , the interception of communications ’ .
50 It is clear that the role need not always be undertaken by a social worker , but it also seems clear that in situations of family complexity , or personal loss of morale , social workers have particular skills to offer .
51 If you feel like showing me a few pages in a day or two , I would be pleased , and I 'm sure your other readers out there would be fascinated by a full autobiography .
52 Brian Puddicombe , from the Banking Insurance and Finance Union 's NatWest Committee , told the union 's annual conference in Llandudno , Gwynedd : ‘ It is totally unacceptable that people should be sacked as a direct result of being sick . ’
53 As the eager spectators applauded , and their cheers echoed around the field at Louis Paulhan 's success , how could anyone imagine that in just nine years time the Atlantic Ocean would be conquered by a young man in the crowd .
54 Throughout the nineteenth century , the Newtonian paradigm was governed by an assumption something like , ‘ The whole of the physical world is to be explained as a mechanical system operating under the influence of various forces according to the dictates of Newton 's laws of motion ’ , and the Cartesian programme in the seventeenth century involved the principle , ‘ There is no void and the physical universe is a big clockwork in which all forces take the form of a push ’ .
55 The historical development of associations concerned with the employment relationship during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries may be explained as a negative response on the part of employers to accommodate the external challenges which confronted them on the basis of three broad sets of factors .
56 The reasons for a separation and its temporary nature can be explained to a ten-year-old child , so that anxiety can again be minimised .
57 In circumstances which must be explained at a later stage the appeal is before the Board both by leave of the Court of Appeal in Hong Kong and by special leave granted by the Board itself .
58 This impairment can be explained in a straightforward manner if one assumes that damage has occurred to the part of the reading system that involves addressed phonology .
59 It is not to deny that some culturally elaborated behaviour can usefully be explained from a biological perspective .
60 This anomaly can be explained by a strong but short telemagmatic heating event , with coalification having preceded porosity loss of the reservoir rocks , and/or by fracture porosity gained through tectonic disturbance of the rocks .
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