Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] [art] long " in BNC.

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1 Also , the slow course of the disease implied that any drug would have to be given for a long time in order to be effective and so would have to be particularly harmless to patients .
2 Acyclovir may be given on a long term basis to people with HIV who have had an attack of shingles , or have frequent attacks of herpes simplex .
3 And this states erm that Its effectiveness erm must be must be considered as a long term rather than a short term objective .
4 Strict glycaemic control by using portable insulin pumps can arrest progression towards diabetic nephropathy , but this method 's safety must be considered in the long term .
5 The visual equivalent of it would be driving down a long street .
6 They 're not always to be trusted in the long term , you know . ’
7 NSPCC brass FIVE young brass players will be appearing in the Long Room of Eaton Hall next week to raise money for the NSPCC .
8 It must be admitted that the famous mould may well have strayed upstairs from the cultures on the floor below , and is perhaps to be included in the long list of profitable discoveries which arose from a lapse in maintaining the highest standards of laboratory practice .
9 Such accommodation can often be let on a long lease or sold to raise a capital sum .
10 Historians will be occupied for a long time to come in determining the exact balance and interaction of forces — including , to mention only the more obvious , the economic disaster of the Second World War , the rise of America , and the development of nationalism — which contributed to Britain 's imperial demise .
11 Luke , she knew , would be occupied for a long time yet , drinking coffee with the other women , talking over the day , helping to cement working relationships for the future .
12 Basilican churches continued to be built for a long time but many variations of form developed , with one dominant theme : a dome , or domes over an open space below .
13 Well , people who stake their opposition to factory-farming on this kind of consideration should be prepared for a long , heated debate , with one set of ‘ experts ’ declaring that thus-and-so is true , while another declares that it is not .
14 As your child puts together the 50 chunky pieces , each new bit of the picture will encourage him to talk to you about what he sees — be prepared for a long conversation !
15 They also may not be prepared for a long walk to a phone .
16 The main changes will be seen in the long run when you look back , so it is sometimes useful to have photographs taken of yourself just before , and just after , your course of lessons .
17 Its site , significantly , is visualized as private ; there are no buildings to be seen in the long perspective to the viewer 's right .
18 One of the big disadvantages of crewing a cutter is that much of our revenue work has to be done after a long hard day 's passage between ports when often one only feels like flopping down on one 's bunk .
19 We were much pressed in argument with submissions that , although fraudulent conduct has become a serious social evil , there are other evils just as grave , or even graver , which have not attracted any special powers ; that if the reason for giving exceptional powers to the Serious Fraud Office is that many frauds involve complicated transactions which are difficult to unravel , then the same could be said of the long and complex trials ( for instance , arising from charges of affray , or of the importation and supply of prohibited drugs ) to which no such powers have been applied ; and that , moreover , the powers of the Office are made available even where the transactions in question are not complicated , since the Act applies to ‘ serious or complex fraud ’ — not ‘ serious and complex fraud . ’
20 However , since only the continued path from naming can be matched to a long word , the path from name is discontinued ( without storing the short word he on the word graph ) .
21 If there are several competing paths , only those paths that can be matched to long words are continued , and a short word will only be retrieved from the buffer if none of the possible paths can be matched to a long word .
22 For example , the mixed representation of a brief account , , will be parsed into agree the count , because the first four phonemes can be matched to the long word agree and because there is a possible parsing into words of the remaining phonemes .
23 He added : ‘ We are confident we will still be operating for a long time to come .
24 A superb outing of this kind can be had on the long Nantlle ridge — comprising six miles and six mountains of excellent high-level walking .
25 However , composers very frequently use a free ordering of the note-material at such points : This is an excellent method of serial usage , and because it can produce a varied horizontal flow of notes in each part , a single version of a series can be used for a long piece ( Luigi Nono 's choral-orchestral work Il canto sospeso , for example , is written entirely with one series , never transposed and always in its ‘ O ’ form ) .
26 So in December 1177 in exchange for 15,000 livres angevines ( roughly £4000 ) and forty pack animals — clearly intended to be used for the long pilgrimage to Jerusalem — Henry acquired the whole county of La Marche .
27 That the choleretic response to feeding is abolished by vagotomy suggests that this secretory event may possibly be mediated by a long vago-vagal reflex ( similar to the increased production of gastric acid secondary to gastric distension ) , or that it may be a true cephalic phase event .
28 Sixth , there had been a very close bond established between the children which the justices felt very strongly should be preserved in the long term .
29 Presumably it is an overreaction to a number of points that we have noted : that no logical guarantee of the soundness of our abductive sense can be provided ; that our substantive conception of reality or of the aim of inquiry may itself be revisable ; that while experience might lead us to abandon a theory with some confidence , proper acceptance should be postponed to the long run — true theories are survivors .
30 Cooperation seems to be less of an immediate necessity with market-determined exchange rates , but coordination of national policies still seems desirable if conflict and economic stagnation are to be avoided in the long run .
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