Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [prep] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 I have no doubt that there will be special preparations and allowances made by police and spectators for the Marathon , in which I will be competing for the first time tomorrow .
2 SOUTH AFRICA , who will be competing for the first time , are to stage the 1995 Rugby World Cup .
3 my Lord I , I think it takes the view and probably not unreasonably that assuming good faith on the part of the disciplinary tribunal and assuming that there is er review by the courts , you will have complete objectivity and someone who has been excluded for a good reason , maybe fraud or something of that nature should not be competing in the first place , but he will not be excluded unreasonably and therefore if he was excluded unreasonably erm the fact of he 's exclusion could be anti competitive because it takes out of the market a player
4 The high level of technical ability of Roman engineers , together with the well-developed commercial economy , meant that major civil engineering schemes could also be undertaken for the first time in the landscape .
5 of those employed in its industry would be sacked in the first year .
6 Problems should be referred in the first instance to the Supervisor .
7 The prize will be given to the first correct entry ( which should be sent to by ) and we 'll print the answers in the next issue .
8 The guide provides three simple checklists of what information should be given at the first appointment , during and at the end of the case .
9 The tickets will be given on a first come , first served basis .
10 Porter might wish to question how such groups with non-related SBUs came to be formed in the first place .
11 She had a violent impulse to summon Murphy and go at once to Trelorne and find Michael Swinton , and so strong was this inclination and the need to explain to him that she was personally so very Lyddy before she realized that such an action was only a perfect sequel in childish impetuosity to her former one of agreeing to be painted in the first place .
12 So unless we train ourselves to find alternatives then the better answers that might be hidden behind the first answer are lost to us .
13 The significance of the defeat on Monday of Ken Livingstone , Brent East MP , could only be calculated for the first time yesterday when the detailed voting figures were published .
14 Glasgow has marketed itself as a city which rejoices in diversity , but will it be singing about the first homosexual festival ?
15 It must be recalled in the first place that in Reg. v. Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food , Ex parte Agegate Ltd .
16 Eight months earlier he made an abortive attempt for the title , then held by the Frenchman Franck Nicotra , only to be stopped for the first time in his professional career .
17 If they can not afford to have one installed , this should be regarded as a first priority and paid for by their children if they can afford it , which is often quite possible if there is a willingness on their part to make some small economy in their own spending each month .
18 My believe is what P P G is inviting local authorities to do is be cautious in proposing them , they should not be regarded as a first option , or an easy option , they should be cautious in proposing them .
19 Like a young Kenny Dalglish , Jess was involved in every aspect of Scotland 's play and must now be regarded as a first choice .
20 Tyrothricin can reasonably be regarded as the first antibiotic to be established as a therapeutic substance .
21 This contribution to the accumulating ‘ goodness ’ may be regarded as the first which is not due to the ruthless survival laws which belong to the second period of this book .
22 It was not the first African paper , although nowadays some Tanzanians think that it was ; nevertheless it is the only one whose direct descendants are still in existence , and may be regarded as the first successful , viable paper ( that term has to be used in a relative sense ) edited and produced by Africans .
23 He may with good reason be regarded as the first of that long line of professional civil servants who did more than any others to make and destroy the medieval Church : they were professional administrators , equipped to forward the interests of government not by main force but by negotiation amidst the intricate issues of law and theology ; men of international standing , retaining the respect of their opponents , and not too hatefully or too personally involved in the cause which they were required to maintain .
24 In so far as it explained his personal ideology to the French people , it may be regarded as the first speech of de Gaulle the politician , as opposed to de Gaulle the symbol .
25 If the final syllable is of this type , the stress will usually be placed on the first syllable .
26 Otherwise , the cursor will be placed at the first field which does not satisfy either of the above two conditions .
27 The cash value to be placed upon a first appointment as writer or cadet is uncertain , for it obviously depended upon the number of years in which a candidate would draw the salary , but contemporaries no doubt took the possibility of an early death from disease into account when they spoke of a value of £1,000 .
28 ‘ It is riveting stuff , especially to be treated to the first performance of a production that has attracted such rave reviews .
29 Because of the significant skill differential between insiders and outsiders , insiders can be treated at a first approximation as monopolists .
30 The patient should be treated within the first 6 hours of the onset of symptoms ; the longer you delay therapy the greater the risk of haemorrhage into the area of myocardial infarction following thrombolysis .
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