Example sentences of "[be] [verb] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Shells are pleasant to handle and regard , can easily be perforated to serve as ornaments and in addition are remarkably durable .
2 — which can give preference to one sense when other factors are equal ; and can be biased according to sublanguage/domain ;
3 If all diabetics were cared for solely by the hospital , then diabetic clinics would be overloaded leading to difficulties maintaining standards , and the expertise and interest in the community would probably decline .
4 In the following year the public were lectured from the courts on the duties of parenthood when , expressing himself ‘ perfectly satisfied that these crimes can be traced to neglect of parents ’ , the Recorder of Bradford struck the familiar harmonies of discontent : ‘ Parents of this time , unfortunately , do not take sufficient care in bringing up their children .
5 Now you might be give all sorts of polar coordinates and you 'll be given working with sines and coses which is where we came in .
6 Despite the somewhat diffuse action , satisfactory sinusoidal oscillators can be formed based on Wien filters as explained in section 10.6 .
7 Can it be justified to send to prison people too poor to pay fines — and there are more such persons during times of economic crisis — not only when the original crime of which they were convicted did not warrant a prison sentence , but when their crime is trivial in the extreme in comparison with corporate crimes which we lack the political will to tackle directly by socialist remedies ?
8 Lists of names of authors should not be differentiated according to gender , by using first names for female writers but only family names for male writers ( as in " Shakespeare , Milton , Jane Austen , Hardy " ) .
9 If the Shareholders decide not to proceed with the proposed sale for any reason , the fees of KPMG and [ name ] will be calculated according to time spent and will not exceed £ [ x ] in the case of KPMG and £ [ y ] in the case of [ lawyer ] and all such fees will be payable by the Company .
10 and er it would n't be calculated to provide the erm , those people who have er policies at with er particular confidence would it ? , and it would n't be calculated to assist in questions of er solvency and the like er which on any of you are all er considerable importance to the er European community .
11 In the silence the sound of the sledge could be heard thudding on stones from one of the near fields .
12 However , a southbound freight would often be heard departing from Staveley perhaps ten minutes before the signal man pulled off the concrete post LNER signal .
13 Away to their left , the bank sloped down again into clumps of alder , among which the stream could be heard chattering over gravel .
14 Such a requirement , however , would not be compatible with those provisions if it had to be interpreted as precluding registration in the event that a secondary establishment or the centre for directing the operations of the vessel in the member state in which the vessel was to be registered acted on instructions from a decision-taking centre located in the member state of the principal establishment .
15 Peter ceased appointing his most trusted aides to the Boyars ' Duma , the Duma 's residual right to be consulted went by default , and the institution withered away .
16 So if you have a cold starter and dessert and a main course that is either a one-pot meal , like a casserole , or a roast , where the oven temperature can be adjusted to cope with delays in starting , then you should avoid disasters .
17 When and how consolidated accounts should be adjusted to cope with distortions when incorporating operations in economies affected by hyperinflation was clarified in an abstract issued by the Accounting Standards Board .
18 Financial control was centralized under one accounting officer , the Permanent Under-Secretary for Defence , with subordinate Deputy Under-Secretaries to oversee the individual Service votes , which were still retained for administrative convenience , but could be adjusted to conform to Defence , as opposed to single Service , priorities .
19 The emission charges for each pollutant would have to be adjusted to take into account increases in the number of emission sources ( if air quality is not to deteriorate ) and it would have to be adjusted to reflect increases in general price levels .
20 The matrix is designed to be flexible and adaptable so that it can readily be adjusted to respond to needs identified by users .
21 FCA of who had been found to be in breach of Investment Business Regulation 1.32 in that in Camberley between 6 October 1989 and 22 August 1991 the firm failed to carry out a review of its compliance procedures in accordance with the terms of the Regulation and having been in breach of Investment Business Regulation 2.09 in that in Camberley between 6 October 1989 and 22 August 1991 the firm failed to warn clients of the extent to which they may be exposed to risk in accordance with the terms of the Regulation and having been in breach of Investment Business Regulation 2.32 in that in Camberley between 6 October 1989 and 22 August 1991 , when the firm gave advice to clients such that , if acted upon , it would result in commission being received , it failed to inform those clients of that position in writing in accordance with the terms of the Regulation and having been in breach of Investment Business Regulation 2.47 in that in Camberley between 6 October 1989 and 22 August 1991 the firm failed to issue engagement letters in accordance with the terms of the Regulation and having been in breach of Investment Business Regulation 2.60 in that in Camberley between 6 October 1989 and 22 August 1991 the firm failed to ensure that it had adequate records in accordance with the terms of the Regulation was reprimanded , fined £500 and ordered to pay £250 by way of costs .
22 If your story is true , you will be treated according to rank as my prisoner .
23 CRYSTAL PALACE may be struggling to keep in step with the rest of the Premier League but they were named yesterday as models of military efficency .
24 Cover may also be arranged to protect against losses during the manufacturing period and is available for certain types of services as well as manufactured goods .
25 Anxious clients can be taught to cope with stress .
26 Now psychologists at Edinburgh University have found that even young children can be taught to cope with traffic .
27 As is well known , chimpanzees can be taught to communicate with sign language , though there is no evidence that they have such a language in their natural state .
28 Several experimenters have maintained that chimpanzees and gorillas can be taught to communicate by means of artificial systems not involving speech .
29 They can also be taught to run through mazes .
30 They should be taught to look for instances where :
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