Example sentences of "[be] [noun] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 At that hour a cab would be ages getting through the twisting streets of the old city and across the Thames to Rotherhithe .
2 Taking these two points into consideration leads us to the conclusion that meaningful chain dimensions can only be values averaged over the many conformations assumed .
3 All currently installed S-MP systems can be field upgraded with the new Vector II processor , Cray says .
4 This can be supplemented by written exercises which will be computer assessed at an extra cost of £15 .
5 This can not be income arising under a settlement , because had the settlor actually been entitled thereto , he would not have had to pay UK tax by reason of his not being domiciled , resident or ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom .
6 The income arising from the £100,000 would not be caught by TA 1988 , Part XV as the income would not be income arising under a settlement .
7 The existence of the provision showed that in certain restricted cases income arising to such an underlying company could be deemed to be income arising under the settlement .
8 Instead , there will be attempts to paper over the chasms and put on a united front for the sake of appearances .
9 This means that the total reduction in particulate emissions will be 90% compared to an untreated engine .
10 The primary source of this would be accounts given by the Banking , Insurance and Finance Union .
11 The campaign groups should ideally be voices calling from the wilderness on behalf of the wilderness .
12 In accepting Aquino 's endorsement of his candidacy Ramos stated that " her unique moral authority " would greatly assist his campaign , and would mean that " we will no longer be voices crying in the wilderness " .
13 … how much soever Arbitrary Power may be dislik 'd on a Throne , Not Milton himself wou 'd cry up Liberty to poor Female Slaves , or plead for the Lawfulness of Resisting a Private Tyranny .
14 It is also possible of course for there to be uncertainty attached to the forward rate , which could lead to the reverse inequality in ( 5.42 ) holding .
15 Of course , there may be considerations arising from the recruitment area which have a bearing on how computerization should be tackled in the other areas , but there is no doubt that a consistent overall strategy can be developed which incorporates all the major aspects of personnel administration and integrates them one with another .
16 No , I believe them to be spies working for a rival power aware of my presence in London and suspicious of my intentions .
17 If law can contribute to the control of the sort of force which threatens nuclear catastrophe then it is likely to be law seen as a morally authoritative contrivance for securing the overriding objective of human survival .
18 Theorists of the ‘ regulation ’ school , such as Aglietta ( 1979 ) , regard Fordism as something which will increasingly be con fined to the less developed industries , themselves tending to be located within less developed areas of the world economy , as capitalism becomes ever more institutionalized .
19 There needs to be accountability injected into the government structures to take into account and actively implement local opinion .
20 Industrial Engineer Alan McDonald may be desk bound during the week — but at weekends , he 's off performing feats that most mortals would regard as extreme .
21 Yet , like the Christian cross , the sacral horns were used in a general symbolic way , and it may be that the Labyrinth was , as a whole , dedicated to Poteidan even though individual sanctuaries and shrines within it were dedicated to other deities , in much the same way that within a cathedral there may be chapels dedicated to a variety of Christian saints .
22 Obviously there will be turkey left after the main Christmas meal and there are lots of interesting ways to use this up .
23 More important will be dissent shown during the debates by the Government 's own supporters .
24 Later it had to be accepted that she would be wheelchair bound for the rest of her life .
25 Doone with slight reluctance admitted that there seemed to be marble stuck to the underside of one more floorboard on each side of the hole .
26 The upshot is Verity 's going to be Festival Perioding with the Urvills .
27 Margaret Cullinane will be team chasing for the UK ( page 21 ) and the Wimpey cricket team ( same page ) will be hoping to make a better fist of it than the British squad .
28 A group action may not turn out exactly as the individuals involved intended ; but in order for it to happen at all there must be individuals acting on the basis of various desires , beliefs and intentions .
29 All your stock , crop and equipment would become part of a vast operation , you and your staff would be workers operating to a master plan created in a central office a long way off .
30 In future all department running costs will be cash limited with the intention of giving ‘ individual civil service managers greater flexibility to make best uses of the resources available to them ’ ( Hansard , H.C. , VI , vol. 110 , cols 933–4 , 18 February 1987 ) .
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