Example sentences of "[that] were [vb pp] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 He 's in one of those Victorian institutions that were built out in the countryside so the inmates would n't contaminate decent citizens .
2 No clear distinction could yet be made between the wholesale and retail trades that were carried on in the ‘ shops ’ in the historic centre of the city .
3 At present , Wales has rates that are structured on rateable values that were worked out in 1973 .
4 Even the compromises that were worked out in 1689 became a source of partisan divide , as rival groups came into conflict over just how to interpret what had happened at the Glorious Revolution .
5 The description refers to the old buildings that were burnt down in 1834 ( see FIRE WHICH DESTROYED PARLIAMENT ) .
6 There we are working hard to boost the inspection powers of the IAEA to try to address problems of the kind that were thrown up in Iraq .
7 But the asinine policies that were brought through in the th er in the Thatcher era they still are here with us , no matter how they try to get shut of them , the poll tax which has been referred to by Councillor is confusion at its best .
8 older generation that were brought up in under different whatevers ,
9 The numerous non-manufacturing subsidiaries ( such as travel agencies , restaurants and computer software firms ) that were set up in the late 1980s are most vulnerable .
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