Example sentences of "[that] i [be] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've just found these under a board in your room , Spencer , I think they will prove that I am not the one who 's been defrauding the company . ’
2 Do not expect me to congratulate you , madam , I am too busy congratulating myself that I am not the father-in-law of a man who can speak so demeaningly of any young girl in public .
3 I suspect that I am not the only hon. Member in the Chamber with a sense of de ja vu when we debate European affairs .
4 It seems to me that I am exactly the sort of person that you need , that you should cultivate me , prime me , pay me , even .
5 HEAVEN is my witness that I do not want to be unfair to British Telecom , so I must , with frank and honest gaze , report that I have had several letters saying that I am up the pole in carrying on about the method of charging recently mentioned in this column .
6 Fie , that you should imagine otherwise ! ’ she said lightly , adding on a more serious note , ‘ During the past months , I learned to speak and act like the duchess your wife — but in these last days I have learned to think like her also ; to believe that I am indeed the lady Anne !
7 But comradely conversation shows that I 'm not the only one nervously remembering 1970 , when faked opinion polls were used to rally the Tory vote .
8 It wo n't surprise you to hear that I 'm not the first to recognise the beauty of this region of South Wales — it was officially recognised in 1956 when it was designated as the very first Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in Britain .
9 You really ought to know that I 'm not the sort of person who fails to meet deadlines in her work . ’
10 That I 'm not the kind of woman who deliberately exercises her feminine wiles on unsuspecting males ?
11 And what I hate even more is the thought that I 'm just the next number on your list .
12 Finally he has decided that I 'm just the vet he needs to be responsible for their health . ’
13 ‘ No , but if I 'm not here tomorrow morning you might tell our resident superintendent that I 'm probably the victim of a gangland killing . ’
14 I 'm sure the police would figure out quickly enough that I 'm hardly the criminal type . ’
15 ‘ I have to face the fact that I 'm now the wrong side of 40 .
16 It soon became clear that I was not the only moth cruising Karen 's flame .
17 William Shakespeare left his wife his ‘ second best bed ’ , and an industrialist from Philadelphia who died in 1947 included among his bequests , ‘ to my wife I leave her lover , and the knowledge that I was n't the fool she thought I was ’ .
18 It was such a relief to know that I was n't the only one !
19 From the other end of the animal a soft uncomplaining grunt reminded me that I was n't the only one involved .
20 What are you trying to say … that I was n't the woman involved ?
21 Carter was an exception , to this and to everything else , but I used to feel that I was roughly the same age as the reigning American President .
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