Example sentences of "[that] is [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 But this does n't explain why we should think it is the sort that is invoked in an argument from analogy .
2 A puzzling question , especially one that is asked in the form of a riddle .
3 However he says he hopes to establish MNOD as an industry standard for storing musical information , since it retains information that is lost in the MIDI format , and once he gets backing from the industry , work will begin on extending the format .
4 We have a homework policy that is accepted in the schools .
5 Also Landseer came to Green 's rescue on this , his favourite subject , and wrote in the New London Review , ‘ It does not appear that the landed proprietors among these mountains , feel a necessity for improvements of this sort , by the havoc that is displayed in the felling of their woods and coppices . ’
6 When painting or drawing Oska , who was too Nordic for Minton 's taste , he achieved an objectivity that is lacking in the poorly co-ordinated Cornish Boy at a Window ( Government Art Collection ) for which Eric Verrico posed .
7 This is a typical Cypriot dish that is served in the spring .
8 The dearth was of persons who could give the only kind of witness that counts with those looking for help , the kind that is couched in the first person singular ’ ( Trueblood 1961:51 ) .
9 It is not a treasure that is locked in a bank vault or a glass case ; it is spread about where its influence can be of the greatest benefit among the schools of the West Riding .
10 The urinary output of 5-ASA reflects the fraction that is absorbed in the small intestine , and that is not therefore available for the topical effect ; the faecal concentrations represent the residual 5-ASA present in the bowel lumen .
11 School life is lived in a society that is constituted in the course of lessons .
12 At the building 's foundations , each vertical column stands on a semicircular slider that is seated in a concave , spherical surface of chromium steel .
13 Information that is received in the course of the decision-making process has a far greater chance of being used than information that is stored within the organization .
14 Yet even the OMB 's estimate falls far short of Mr Clinton 's promised $16.4 billion in interest savings that is incorporated in the budget bill now going through Congress .
15 It is this basic equation that is presented in the familiar Keynesian cross-diagram in Fig. 10-l(a) .
16 It compares this information with electronic ‘ library ’ that is stored in the computer of all radars that the ship is likely to encounter .
17 It is this kind of situation that is indicated in the first objective in the examples above .
18 The extreme reductionist approach that is represented in the above quotation , and is apparent again and again in his writings , not only in The Origin of Species but in many of his later books , is conspicuous by its absence from early plant ecological texts and is barely represented in the ecological literature until towards the middle of the twentieth century .
19 It is one of the 12 excellent pictures by this artist that is featured in the 1992 RAF Museum Calendar .
20 However , it loses the contrast that is developed in the fourth and fifth paragraphs in English : ‘ There are others …
21 Whilst this requires considerable political and structural change to achieve full success , potentially important beginnings can be made through educational programming that is based in the community , that recognises community needs , and is attractive and relevant to adults in the community .
22 A horse that is kept in a stable or small yard , and is not exercised , is likely to become a poor-moving physical specimen , and may even develop permanent physical damage such as contracted tendons .
23 Zebrafish pax[b] ( pax[zf-b] ) is a member of the Pax gene family that is expressed in the presumptive posterior midbrain from the end of gastrulation and , at later stages , in other localized regions of the developing embryo .
24 Platelet activating factor is on of lipid mediators that is generated in a variety of cells upon chemical or immune stimulation .
25 Explain the allegorical meaning that is given in the Gospels .
26 I support the recommendation — I hope that the Under-Secretary will do likewise — that the extra allowance that is given in the Greater London area should be extended to out-of-area boroughs that have similar high charges .
27 Improbably combined with this is a substantial beech bridge , 18 mm high in the bass and tapering to 14 mm in the treble , of the truncated triangular form and mass that is seen in the much more heavily strung harpsichords of the Flemish tradition .
28 And how we make alliances with women organising in the Labour Movement who have themselves maybe developed out of a Labour Movement that is steeped in the imperialism and racism of this British culture , as any other bit of it is .
29 Both Lichtheim and Barth relate Destutt 's ‘ ideologies ’ to Bacon 's pursuit of ‘ idols ’ and to the aim of dispelling ‘ prejudices ’ with the application of reason that is stated in the work of Holbach and Helvetius .
30 An increased freedom in life-style might be supposed to account for the increased variability in timing of daily rhythms that is found in the elderly .
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