Example sentences of "[that] it [be] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Apart from the fact that it 's not the way we like our work to come to us , it has provided some other difficulties .
2 Let us remember that it 's not the popular , attractive people who need our help most , but the lonely and the unpopular … those it might be easier to laugh at than to be seen helping .
3 He wanted an understanding with his family that it 's not the way we will live .
4 Many feminists will come this far with me but still shy away from the idea of pay for childcare , even when we 've clarified that it 's not the same demand as Wages for Housework .
5 Most conductors of my generation have to go through different experiences before we understand that it 's not the main thing in the world to conduct all American orchestras .
6 You might agree that it 's wasteful that it 's not the best way of channelling the resources but the fact is that the global amount available because of it is much greater than it was and that will be our baseline to start from if they decide to reorganise the money in a different way .
7 The spokesman also admitted that it 's not the first time the ladies have been hauled over the coals for selling fags .
8 So the point erm I wish to make erm on er Mr 's observations , is that it 's not the strategy of the structure plan was not simply erm to seek an initial reduction erm in the rate of residential development in the county and then that roll that rate forward in progressive erm amendments to the structure plan , Hambleton District Council believes that the logical interpretation of these statements is that a progressive reduction er in house building and the rates of migration should be sought through subsequent alterations to the plan .
9 And I 'm sure that that 's part of why sounds pretty good when he 's saying that it 's not the body that makes us who we are , it 's not the body that matters .
10 And that 's why this is very interesting for you because you now know what your preference is and what you need to think about is that I may be a very high reflector , but I can see there 's , there 's Lou in particular was a very strong activist and when I put them together training , I need to ensure that it 's not the way I like to learn , it is a balanced approach others can also gain , I need to ensure that others gain from this .
11 I am still opposed to it and er I just think that it 's not the right way to reconcile contradicting policies that we 've had .
12 That it 's not the language felt uncomfortable because erm it was n't an expression you would normally use .
13 Mr Coombs is telling voters that it 's not the tories , but the labour local council who 're harming the local economy .
14 Erm er anyway , never mind , um so um also erm particularly from a feminist perspective this idea of of so-called faulty family dynamics has been called into question by people like for example Hall and Lloyd who were saying that um , something along the lines of if you if you blame the family as a whole then this draws attention away from the fact that it 's not the families who do the abusing , it 's often , from their point of view , it was often the men that do .
15 In reality , the only difference between the two media is that the public knows how newspapers get their stories — though they do n't know that it 's exactly the same way as people in television get them .
16 And even though I assure myself that it 's just the annual resurgence of an old allergy ( a distant relation of eczema — Xmasa ) , I am still incapable of keeping the worst symptoms at bay .
17 I always think that it 's just the same religion , different cathedral ’ .
18 So that it 's actually the blood itself carrying the oxygen round in solution .
19 Erm and then it 's talking about standard variety that it 's usually the standard variety that 's accepted as the proper one when compared to other like smaller varieties erm dialects and stuff .
20 Caspar , genuinely appalled , said , ‘ But do n't you know that it 's almost the most dangerous place in the whole of Ireland ? ’
21 Well in effect it says that how that it 's now the Party is sanctionalizing absolute egalitarianism , the aim that landlords , K M T officers , everyone 's going to get equal distribution of land .
22 So I do n't think that it 's now the logical way forward .
23 So Madam I 'm asking you to say that these circumstances , this is the sort of case that should never have come before the court , it should 've been sorted out between the parties themselves , with the aid of their solicitors , and that it 's only the overreaction of the police in this particular circumstance that brings him before the court here .
24 That 's right , but , but you know that it 's only the , are only one of the major supermarket chains that gives money to organization and one of the organizations in Glasgow there was an article in the Scotsman or the Herald the other day and I must n't quote names because I can be wrong , but one of them and there were major s major stores selling food as well as actual food retailers cited , but only one of them will give food that 's past its sell-by date or surplus or whatever for one of the Glasgow charities for the homeless .
25 Yeah , because the point that 's being made is that it 's only the flower of the rose which has all these properties , it 's not the whole bush itself , presumably .
26 How can you tell X from Y and how can you tell that X is still X , that it 's still the same thing it was ?
27 ‘ It 's only that I think , maybe , that it 's more the vice of America — no , not vice , I do n't think , but difficulty — to be moralistic in politics .
28 If you accept the amendment of er Noble Lord , Lord MacIntosh , he would say it set an upper and a lower limit o o of the size of erm o of police authority and the chances are then that the number will gradually i inflate so that it 's always the highest number , that is that is obtained .
29 You said at an earlier stage in this conversation erm that it 's always the defeated parties who are blamed for starting wars .
30 First , that it is evidently the testator 's intention that Titius should obtain a hundred .
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