Example sentences of "[that] it [verb] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , it is socially important for the way that it demystifies such manoeuvres .
2 It will also handle both little and big endian byte ordering so as to be able to run personal computer operating systems such as Windows NT as well as Unix , although the company denied that it had any plans to support NT on it — the capability is simply there if anyone wants it in the future , the company said .
3 The most telling comment on the wealth of the metropolis is that it had more men worth upwards of £100 than most other towns had taxpayers of all grades ; indeed , the number of four-figure assessments equalled the total taxpayers of some tiny market towns .
4 She could tell by the feel of it that it had some papers inside , but she did not look at them .
5 Out of the rock 's foot grew a shadow so dark that it contained all colours .
6 Some managers are convinced that PRP will improve performance and raise income , but there 's hardly any evidence that it produces any improvements .
7 It seems unlikely that the dance was copied into the score at the wrong point : if it had been , one would expect to find it headed by some warning that it belonged several pages later — otherwise severe complications would result in orchestral parts copied from the score .
8 Its honours for impresarios and maverick businessmen — what The Times called examples of ‘ unrepentant Darwinism , of the business survival of the fittest and of nature red in tooth and claw ’ — so appalled them and the Palace that it took several weeks for approval to be obtained .
9 Such was the official secrecy , or confusion , that it took several weeks to confirm that no RCM boys were among the casualties .
10 This case was so complex and difficult that it filled many books of written record and there was so much opposing evidence that it was difficult to get at the truth , but he at last clarified everything and settled it with such skill and wisdom that all commended his extreme cleverness .
11 I was questioned about this in recent years when I visited the Camp during one of my lecture rounds to the ATC in the Highlands , but I only add this yarn to illustrate that it takes all kinds to make any air force station , and I am sure our childrens ' children will be told and the tale will no doubt be embroidered to suit the occasion .
12 Here art orders our vision , deliberately interventionist in that it presents those uncertainties and anxieties of childhood where difference makes life a misery whilst providing poignant images for the artist .
13 The guide-books say little : Samuel Wallis visited it and named it Boscawen Island , perhaps after the great admiral of Finisterre ; the best vanilla in the Pacific is grown there ; and it is rumoured that the finest kavo — that faintly narcotic drink prepared from the powdered root of a local pepper plant , and an important part of rituals and celebrations in the South Pacific — is Tafahi kava , and that it renders all Tafahians perpetually slightly dopey .
14 The first factor is important in that it brings some applications within the database world ( for example , computer aided design , computer aided manufacture , architectural design , software design ( Case ) and office automation ) , previously ill-served by relational databases because of the performance of relational database systems and because the relational model itself is unsuitable For those domains .
15 But the company believes that it has some products it can sell new , notably software for diagnosing faults in computers .
16 They have called on the Northern Regional Health Authority to issue a categorical denial that it has any plans to merge 15 health care districts into six super districts .
17 But even if the Church takes this controversial step , there remains the fact that it has few structures for evaluating its chief resource .
18 If the vendor has granted any fixed or floating charges over any of the assets , the purchaser will insist that it acquires these assets free of all such charges .
19 The Indian government claims that it investigates all allegations of torture , but this rarely happens without public pressure .
20 Whether this means that life originated just once , or that it originated many times , each origin acquiring a different code , but that one origin gave rise to more successful competitors , we do not know .
21 For him , even choices which are clearly dictated by subject matter are part of style : it is part of the style of a particular cookery book that it contains words like butter , flour , boil and bake ; and it is part of the style of Animal Farm that it contains many occurrences of pigs , farm , and Napoleon .
22 It was already clear to Coleman from his analysis of the drugs-related intelligence coming out of Lebanon that the traditional heroin route to the US via Cyprus , Frankfurt and London was used regularly by both agencies , that the traffic was not always in narcotics and that it moved both ways .
23 A particular advantage of the telephone interview method is that it makes less demands on the time of managers than conventional ‘ face-to-face ’ interviews .
24 Artificial lenses of this shape are optically poor , but a fish 's lens is designed so that it corrects these aberrations , achieving a quality of image with a single lens which camera manufacturers are still trying to match .
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