Example sentences of "[that] had [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The chosen organisation was a local authority that had participated in earlier developments , but this time the study examined the problems that had arisen in the Highways and the planning departments following the establishment of a common unit providing both with financial , administrative , personnel and computer support .
2 The financial mismanagement that had reigned before 1911 was ended with the employment of professional accountants .
3 It took the 45 ton bulldozer just 8 minutes to flatten 4 homes that had stood for 52 years .
4 Took a walk in the fields saw an old wood stile taken away from a favourite spot which it had occupied all my life the posts were overgrown with Ivy & it seemed so akin to nature & the spot where it stood as tho it had taken it on lease for an undisturbed existance it hurt me to see it was gone for my affections claims a friendship with such things but nothing is lasting in this world last year Langley Bush was destroyd an old white thorn that had stood for more than a century full of fame the gipsies shepherds & herdmen all had their tales of its history & it will be long ere its memory is forgotten .
5 He played down the adverse conditions that had led to low lambing rates by pointing to the limit of 205,000 tonnes that could be sent to Europe under the voluntary restraint agreement .
6 The issues at stake could hardly have been greater , and they concerned the other members of the world community just as much as they concerned the USSR : for it was not only in the USSR that an answer was being sought to the question as to whether there could be a ‘ third way ’ — a socialism that ensured a decent and equitable living for all its members and yet avoided monopolistic concentrations of power of a kind that had led to political repression in the USSR and other communist-ruled nations .
7 If we did n't know that terrible things like war had happened , or why they had happened , it would be so easy for us as a country to continue with the same policies that had led to these mistakes in the past .
8 The political and ideological factors that had led to popular support for and involvement in the inter-imperialist war of 1914–18 and the anti-fascist war of 1939–45 could no longer be used to justify the use of means of warfare which , it became clear , not only involved disproportionate suffering but endangered the future of humanity .
9 Some of them were ex-members of the committees of poor peasants ( kombedy ) that had requisitioned in military style during War Communism , a style that lingered on .
10 At the same time , a nasty backward glance , a creeping suspicion suggested a consultation with Anderson might have been a wise idea before taking the practical action that had ended in such discouraging disaster …
11 For many of the committed , for many of the organizers , the issue was n't peace , it was war : victorious war for Vietnam 's National Liberation Front , and class war on the bourgeoisie — a word that had faded from much of the left in the long years of ‘ The British road to socialism ’ .
12 The term ‘ local state ’ gained critical acceptance and helped place on a new conceptual stage the mass of research and political activity that had gathered around local , or community , politics since the late 1960s. for those on the radical left , the state , and of course the local state , came to be seen as a site of competing political interests rather than as a neutral set of administrative institutions .
13 Yet after that crisis Edward 's political skills , together with the popularity of the war , enabled the king to maintain the flow of funds for the war without provoking opposition of the kind that had arisen in 1297 or 1339–41 .
14 Glastonbury was certainly upset , although that did n't stop him nodding off on several occasions ; Fagg was enraged — the term ‘ bloody fellow ’ came up frequently ; Fishbane was considered ; the Commander spluttered a lot and Chatterton said very little except to draw on his memory of some committee problem that had arisen in 1964 .
15 This patient also had a serum gastrin concentration that had increased from 710 to 1550 pmol/l .
16 I found the paintings quite difficult to understand , but could appreciate the intricate designs , and the tremendous amount of fine work that had gone into each one .
17 The design and planning that had gone into these places was minimal .
18 It was a Port Salut that had gone through all its stages this time .
19 If Africans had plenty of examples of countries that had gone through painful structural adjustments and emerged transformed , it might be easier for governments to persuade citizens that the pain was worthwhile .
20 The chill that had gone for these brief seconds settled again .
21 He scooped a handful of marble out of a bannister as if it were plasticine , and briefly enjoyed the traces of the many fingers that had brushed over this patch of cold stone down the years .
22 My journey , I realised now , was not one that had begun at fixed point ‘ A ’ and would run to ‘ B ’ : crossing space — by canoe or donkey or in the footsteps of — was not what it was about .
23 I wonder if I could answer that in a in a different way because clearly rather there 's the option , rather than reduction the operational capability which was really the er initiative that had begun in nineteen ninety two , there is the option of course of er adjusting the total numbers and that would er have an overall bearing on the total programme cost but cert because certainly the judgement of the er the chiefs of staff was that er as far as the U K was concerned then we we should retain the operational capability as I explained earlier an n and not decrease it in any significant extent because if we did that then we could end up er with an inferior capability against a potential threat .
24 The crisis of 1965 was a continuation of the argument that had begun in 1961 with the Fouchet Plan and that had resurfaced over the application by Britain to join the EEC .
25 Kensal Green then was an old-fashioned , tight-knit working class community , the kind that had survived through thick and thin since Victoria was on the throne and that nowadays only exists in sociology textbooks and TV soaps .
26 And his notes for the course on lyric ( prepared in the spring of 1869 ) show him devoting ten times more space to the dithyramb , of which next to nothing had survived from antiquity , than to the epinician , the kind immortalized by Pindar and the only kind that had survived in any bulk . "
27 It was as if some authoritative being had decided that from that moment the names that had applied to such objects as soap , cheese , tree or book were to be exchanged for others , and all signs of delight registered by temper tantrums .
28 Cow-Keeping in India , " she read from the spine of a volume that had suffered from damp .
29 But it was countered by the somewhat cooler attitude towards the royal family that had emerged in recent years , some of it captured in an ‘ anti-jubilee ’ number of the New Statesman edited by Anthony Howard .
30 ‘ Therefore the problem that had emerged in 1985 has come as a considerable shock to us and I would say that the present directors of Mogul Ireland — ourselves — have acted promptly , decisively and responsibly since it came to our attention .
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