Example sentences of "[that] had [vb pp] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 The financial mismanagement that had reigned before 1911 was ended with the employment of professional accountants .
2 It took the 45 ton bulldozer just 8 minutes to flatten 4 homes that had stood for 52 years .
3 Yet after that crisis Edward 's political skills , together with the popularity of the war , enabled the king to maintain the flow of funds for the war without provoking opposition of the kind that had arisen in 1297 or 1339–41 .
4 Glastonbury was certainly upset , although that did n't stop him nodding off on several occasions ; Fagg was enraged — the term ‘ bloody fellow ’ came up frequently ; Fishbane was considered ; the Commander spluttered a lot and Chatterton said very little except to draw on his memory of some committee problem that had arisen in 1964 .
5 This patient also had a serum gastrin concentration that had increased from 710 to 1550 pmol/l .
6 I wonder if I could answer that in a in a different way because clearly rather there 's the option , rather than reduction the operational capability which was really the er initiative that had begun in nineteen ninety two , there is the option of course of er adjusting the total numbers and that would er have an overall bearing on the total programme cost but cert because certainly the judgement of the er the chiefs of staff was that er as far as the U K was concerned then we we should retain the operational capability as I explained earlier an n and not decrease it in any significant extent because if we did that then we could end up er with an inferior capability against a potential threat .
7 The crisis of 1965 was a continuation of the argument that had begun in 1961 with the Fouchet Plan and that had resurfaced over the application by Britain to join the EEC .
8 ‘ Therefore the problem that had emerged in 1985 has come as a considerable shock to us and I would say that the present directors of Mogul Ireland — ourselves — have acted promptly , decisively and responsibly since it came to our attention .
9 The immediate post-war period again provided the optimism that had existed in 1920 , and the farm worker appeared to be poised for the first time to achieve equality of pay and status with workers in other industries .
10 Both Lansdowne and Law opted to announce their resignation at a party meeting , which would revive the open warfare over tariffs that had existed before 1906 , and this would ensure the defeat of all the other party causes too .
11 All the nagging discontents that had accumulated after ten days together burst out in a series of rows that increased in intensity and duration as the evening wore on .
12 It was then , after a storm that had blown for seven days at speeds exceeding seventy knots , that the Ramapo encountered the biggest wave ever reported by a ship at sea .
13 Brockway was writing in the context of a prison population for England and Wales that had declined by two-thirds over the previous fifty years .
14 The Constantinople Protocol of 1913 was an attempt by Britain and Russia to overcome the problem that had developed in 1911 .
15 It was the crutch that had snapped in two .
16 Herzen observed a " sharp and remarkable " difference between essays he received from Russia in 1856 and those that had arrived in 1855 .
17 Formulation of Labour Government policies to support the Third Pillar — the projection and protection of British interests overseas — needed least reorientation of traditional British military thinking that had evolved from three centuries of global geo-political experience .
18 As we entered the kitchen Pat looked up at the roof and the large gaping hole caused by a shell that had passed through two floors then smashed through the kitchen door , ending up in the garden .
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