Example sentences of "[that] had been [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Blue , white , cream , grey envelopes , that had been neatly slit open .
2 During Queen Victoria 's reign , many that had been formerly open to the public closed their gates , preferring to cultivate the sanctity of ‘ home ’ .
3 Yet in racing , in export credit guarantees and elsewhere , the Chancellor was reacting late in the day to complaints that had been clearly audible for some considerable time .
4 They were spoken in those parts of the country that had been massively subject to Scandinavian settlement in the late OE period , and they were subsequently used in areas where the elite language became Norman French .
5 And I had to walk about fifty yards to get to the van because it was it was in an area that had been partly pedestrianized .
6 It had taken until the long , open left-hander that leads down into Glen Kinglas before my erection had finally subsided , and that had been mostly naked fear ; Verity had lost it just for a second , the rear of the car nudging out towards the wrong side of the road as we whanged round the bend .
7 At roughly the same time Adobe Systems introduced the PostScript page description language which did the one thing that had been though impossible or , at least , impractical ; real time font generation .
8 A minority of the children — the exact proportion can not be established — displayed symptoms of the poverty and deprivation that had been quite commonplace in the 1930s , and significantly under-recorded by government reports ; these medical and social symptoms horrified many hosts in the reception areas precisely because they seemed to epitomise wider rural-urban cultural differences .
9 In 1972 , 41% of women over 16 were daily cigarette smokers ( a figure that had been fairly constant since the 1950s ) whilst in 1986 that figure was 31% , compared with 52% and 35% for men [ 1 ] : this has given rise to the assumption that women find it more difficult to give up smoking than men .
10 Oh , no , not that , she would n't be able to suffer that , not after the past few days that had been so ecstatic .
11 In the Portuguese elections of 1984 , where I was an adviser , it was quite a problem — it had always been done from the second floor — so I suggested the flatbed truck concept that had been so successful in Malta .
12 She had grown heavier in her enforced stillness , her body was ripe and full that had been so slender , and moved with something less than the old negligent grace .
13 It was not a friendship of the kind that had been so frequent in Anselm 's early life .
14 It was n't just the flight to New York , the tedium of the long-drawn-out customs and transport formalities , and the helicopter trip between JFK airport and Manhattan that had been so tiring .
15 He disliked the use of extemporary prayers , saying , ‘ There needed no other confutation than to take them down in shorthand and shew them afterwards to those men that had been so audacious as to utter them . ’
16 All she could see was Felipe 's face , his dark eyes , the laughter that had been so ready this morning .
17 If there was to be a common external policy , economic and strategic , which appeared more and more desirable , as between the parliamentarily self-governing populations around the world that were deemed all to be parts of one empire , the logical but crazy conclusion must be to defy the impracticability that had been so clear in the eighteenth century and to envisage an imperial parliament .
18 What had she seen in him the other day that had been so disturbing ?
19 David Giles gained a deserved reputation among Palace fans after playing three superb games for Swansea City against us in the FA Cup 3rd round in January 1980 but , having joined us eighteen months later , he lacked the sparkle that had been so evident then .
20 A perfect oval face , thick , glossy hair and the same bright sparkle in the wide brown eyes that had been so evident in the photograph at Seaview .
21 Too many different players were winning odd caps and the continuity that had been so important under Ron Greenwood seemed to be disappearing .
22 It just felt like somewhere that had been absolutely clean for a very , very long time .
23 Significantly , the European areas of the ex-Empire that had been more pronounced than Belorussia in their ethnic and/or religious divergence from the Great-Russian norm had either broken away from Bolshevik Russia ( the Baltic littoral and Finland ) or else created serious difficulties for the Bolsheviks ( Georgia in 1922 ) .
24 An economy that had been virtually self-contained for 20 years after 1945 suddenly found itself severely tested by international competition .
25 She took his arm , gently squeezing it against herself , then pressed her lips — so full , so dry ! — against a cheek that had been hurriedly ill-shaven some fourteen hours earlier .
26 Perhaps that had been too personal a remark .
27 She did need a shower to wash away the tension from a day that had been too full of emotion .
28 He found that Christians had stood firmly by their faith and practice ; only one family had lapsed , and that had been very weak , even in the best of times .
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