Example sentences of "[that] had been [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She heard the incredulity in his voice and it fuelled the small truth that had been niggling at her , unacknowledged , all day .
2 There was also concern about the environmental damage that had been suffered as a result of decisions about economic development taken in Moscow rather than in the republics themselves .
3 Luke was in command and this time instinct told Robyn there would be no withdrawal , no respite from his sexual onslaught , from the tension that had been building between them since the very first moment .
4 So these things came to an end , I recall that on one occasion I was offered the eye of a sheep that had been cooked on a vast platter .
5 But more often the allocation of billets reflected social relations and deferential attitudes in rural society , as when , according to one MP , at Inverary in Scotland 150 women and children were housed in a cold hall , with bedding of dirty mattresses and sacks of straw ‘ with a broad arrow on them , that had been obtained from the local jail ’ , while near by the Duke of Argyll 's castle was left uninhabited .
6 Er my job was to er obtain intelligence on er active , known criminals and also to develop intelligence that had been obtained by other officers .
7 Aubrey had been at his most affected , protesting volubly at the trick that had been played on him .
8 However , the Regional Development Officer of the housing association insisted on carrying out the same thorough appraisal of its potential that had been applied to the previous buildings .
9 They were on the dusty painted dresser , on the shelves , and on a tin tray before a freckled old mirror that had been hanging in the bathroom .
10 Recently , in fact , with only bathroom tissue , hand soap and water , I cleaned up an acrylic painting that had been hanging in a office for 24 years .
11 One of his greatest achievements was to complete the theory of the so-called Diophantine linear equations , a subject that had been studied since antiquity ( Box A ) .
12 In this way , Axis governments anticipated a Pacific war that had been studied by only a few individuals in the Allies ' interest .
13 Minton explained that he had recognised him from a self-portrait that had been exhibited at the AIA Gallery in London .
14 Few fights — occasionally , you 'd get a man who 'd been gashed in the face with a bottle , that had been drunk in the bar and you 'd be called in and you 'd take him to hospital .
15 The insignia of royalty that had been assumed by the papacy reflected a monarchical form and structure of government .
16 But this time , the voices were not in the distress of agony that had been heard in the reception area .
17 When the political and moral credibility of the Soviet system collapsed in 1956 , something that had been slumbering in the depths of Sartre 's consciousness was suddenly reawakened .
18 The turnout , across the Soviet Union as a whole , was 80 per cent , and of those who voted , 76.4 per cent declared in favour of the question that had been asked of them .
19 Planting began in 1969 , but in 1981 , 15 years after the scheme had begun , the whole was sold off for a fraction of almost the billion dollars that had been invested in it .
20 Amongst other things , we were always finding used syringes that had been lobbed over the wall .
21 Five or six stones had toppled from the pile and were lying half-buried in the snow , and some red and white cloth streamers that had been tied to a branch of the tree fluttered slightly in the breeze , torn and faded from the wind and rain .
22 We stood in the doorway for a while until our eyes adjusted to the darkness and then , stooping low to avoid the worst of the smoke , we made our way through the crowd to a space that had been cleared for us close to the fire .
23 The night seemed light , the moon was scudding between white clouds , showing up the white world beyond the drive that had been cleared of snow .
24 The anger was triggered by a clash between photographers and bodyguards outside a toy store that had been cleared of shoppers so that Jackson could go on a shopping spree .
25 The electrodes that had been implanted in its brain had been removed ; the scars from the surgery had healed and grown over with fur .
26 It stuck to Adam 's body , burnt into the jigsaw of cuts that had been carved into his skin .
27 He thought of the latrine and the T-junction of a water-main pipe , and a hole that had been carved from the snow and frozen earth , and a screw top cover that was lagged at night , and a place that was in shadow from the arc lamps of the perimeter fences .
28 A well-informed horseman simply had to grasp the horse 's head firmly and give it a sharp turn and back him out of the area that had been contaminated by the jading substance .
29 Even at seventeen , which up to now had been the high point of her existence , the passions raised had not one tithe of the sizzling fire that had been generated by Benedict .
30 A radical alternative to the peneplanation model that had been generated in humid temperate landscapes was pediplanation as conceived and developed by the geologist L.C. King .
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