Example sentences of "[that] this [is] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , the formal analysis which is second nature to a Western critic can be fruitful , even though it could be argued that this is a way of interpreting the objects of an unfamiliar culture rather than a description .
2 We are inclined to think that this is a way of using the structure in principle , but that this is simply the sort of thing that no speaker is ever likely to want to say .
3 You could suspect that this is a way of making it more rather than less egoistic , could n't you ?
4 When the Independent crows ‘ Let's face it , a sick bag is a sick bag ’ I feel that this is no way of speaking of some unfortunate woman ; or of another who , according to her husband , ‘ had cast off clothes at the jumble sale ’ .
5 Sons like ‘ Master Of Paradise ’ are emotional glimpses into her very personal world , but it 's worth pointing out that this is no way a depressing sort of affair .
6 Sons like ‘ Master Of Paradise ’ are emotional glimpses into her very personal world , but it 's worth pointing out that this is no way a depressing sort of affair .
7 Instead of accepting that this is the way the market is inevitably moving , our own Association of Manufacturers of Domestic Electrical Appliances ( AMDEA ) has condemned the proposal as ‘ a technical barrier to trade ’ .
8 Yet one understands and sympathizes with the reader who urges for that word to be said ( even as he/she understands that it can not be ) , and no amount of earnest preaching that this is the way things are , that no certainties can be reached , will attenuate the sense of frustration that accompanies our contemplation of the ruins .
9 It will be observed that this is the way its own mother asserts her dominance and will easily be understood by the pup .
10 Sadly , it appears to be generally accepted that this is the way people in service industries in Glasgow behave .
11 ‘ Once she knows that this is the way the cards have fallen she 's not going to say ‘ I ca n't do it , I ca n't cope with it ’ and whinge .
12 If this went too far , of course , the sense of supernatural assistance would destroy one 's awareness of the companions ' courage , as also the deeply-felt implicit moral that this is the way to behave .
13 The counsellor must not only understand that this is the way the counsellee 's life is predicted and determined , but has eventually to help the individual develop a more positive set of expectations .
14 We prefer this because we believe that this is the way in which we can learn from our mistakes ; and that in finding that our conjecture was false we shall have learnt much about the truth , and shall have got nearer to the truth .
15 The more I think about it the more I feel sure that this is the way .
16 Whenever there was any adversity with the law there was this not quite convincing idea put about that this is the way that society works and we should n't take it too seriously .
17 His defence of his ‘ diverness ’ is that this is the way he experiences the world , others treat him differently all the time ( especially the figure addressed in the sonnet ) and he responds in kind .
18 The second aspect of the school meals changes are with that alternative meal saving and would best be introduced erm if members were to decide that this is the way we wanted to go from April ninety five rather than in Sept September ninety four as suggested and attached to the report and that delays the savings , but achieves the same saving but not until nineteen ninety six seven and you will see that the figures have been amended and to take that into account and that 's on line fifty four B appendix ten .
19 And he wants to , at the very least I think it 's reasonable to say , he wants to influence the Communist Party that , that this is the way you should be looking at the world and it , it is different to the way you were looking at it .
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