Example sentences of "[that] at the [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Accommodation should therefore be available both to assist them in the personal adjustments they will have to make and to ensure that at the outset they are suitably accommodated .
2 We work with about 60 women a year , and I know many of them would genuinely say that at the start they were unemployable , that they could have gone back to drugs , ended up back in prison , but they did n't because Clean Break was there at the right time for them , to give them the opportunities they needed .
3 It was so enjoyable that at the headwall I took a line up the steepest part , just so I could play about hanging from the holds .
4 Well we do n't want no all we want is one so that at the end we want from each group to go to another group to be marked .
5 He once defined the Anglican doctrine of apostolic succession to several Lutherans so that at the end they could be heard saying ‘ Hear , Hear ’ .
6 What is it about them that speaks to you , that calls forth such a strong response that at the end you feel satisfied , nourished , as though something new had taken place ?
7 I have got to alter myself so completely that at the end I should hardly be recognisable as the same person .
8 I also believe that at the conference he will use all his persuasiveness to enable the European Community to move ahead .
9 It is likely that the early figures in particular were underestimates , and that at the mid-century there were only two persons for each head of cattle .
10 One argument for common investment funds is that at the moment they provide a way of getting round the narrow and wider investment bands that dictate charity investment .
11 The problem with these is that at the moment they end we say " Thank God that 's over ! " and return to eating " normally " — " normally " being all the rubbish we ate before .
12 Well , anything that you can do there , erm in in the immediate future would obviously be helpful , to support our case for being considered as the er the er European supplier , erm , and likewise with Italy , Spain , and France , not withstanding that at the moment they do n't do a great deal of business , well Spain does a great deal of business , but I do n't suppose is in a position to do much in in the way of technical support , erm , right ,
13 I 'd add that at the moment we do not see any upturn in any of our major markets .
14 said , said that at the moment we 're paying twenty per cent , twenty per cent er Poll Tax erm we 're on about thirty five pound a week , the full grant , that 's how much we get you know if you level it out you know
15 In electricity , the shortages of the sixties led to a considerable investment in new power stations , so that at the moment we in fact have far more electricity power stations than we need .
16 He insists that at the moment there is no such point of friction within the England camp .
17 Current evidence suggests that at the moment there is little ‘ choice ’ about when the time is ‘ right ’ to enter care .
18 Is he aware that at the moment there is great difficulty in obtaining discretionary grants for professional training and for the final qualifications for both professions ?
19 And she says that at the moment she 's more interested in just having fun than dating .
20 Come out of your ivory tower , Hilary , before it 's too late , before you really turn into the arrogant bitch that at the moment you 're only emulating . ’
21 I suspect that at the moment he sees all the disadvantages and none of the advantages of committee work .
22 She wished she had worn her new suit , but she consoled herself that at the moment he did n't care what she looked like .
23 Exactly yes we 'll take a breathing space until the new year I mean Neil says that at the moment he 'd be quite happy to get into a job where if he was a good worker he could progress in the job and I said an what about doing your radio repairs in the evening , but he just , he said yes .
24 This means that at the moment it is being used closest to the hook , where presentation and visibility are vital factors and , because it is so different to nylon , many users have problems knotting it .
25 I think that at the moment it is not easy for ordinary people to learn to compute on most of the existing computing systems .
26 Toby prided himself that at the moment none of these boys , or the two dozen others , was conspicuously unhappy .
27 Some officers can now see that at the time they were " typical colonialists " who failed to read the signs of the tinies or entrust positions of authority more readily to African leadership .
28 All I can say is that at the time everything fitted together perfectly into so glaringly obvious a pattern that I was amazed I had never seen it before .
29 With hindsight , it is clear that at the time we did not fully grasp the real significance of the workers ' position .
30 and we have yet to be contacted erm despite th the fact that at the time we had our last meeting the thing was supposed to be in the post .
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