Example sentences of "[that] they were [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She noticed for the first time that they had stopped , and looking round , discovered that they were outside the house .
2 As soon as Angela could think of anything except the pain of returning circulation she saw that they were outside the gate of a walled enclosure .
3 When it came up for its third reading on 21 June it was referred to a select committee who on 18 July reported that they were of the opinion that the bill ought not to be proceeded with .
4 As newspaper costs escalated and as the nature of the commodity changed politicians and political parties saw their financial grip over newspapers being prised open ; by the late 19th century , newspapers had become such costly ventures that they were beyond the reach of politicians .
5 Cottam suggested that he too should have been paid for his fortnight 's service , but the Governors replied that they were under the impression that " his services had been tendered on behalf of and as the personal friend of Mr. Hamilton " .
6 The Bioscope very much approved of the description of the movies as ‘ the drama of the masses , and went on to argue that the whole beauty of the movies was that they were for the first time providing amusement , ‘ the greatest factor in the life of.the masses ’ , to ‘ the millions ‘ who had been ‘ passed over for so many years and considered of no account ’ .
7 I 'd assumed without thinking that they were for the straddling dock cranes to run on .
8 Also , I was always under the impression that the likes of Constable , whilst in full knowledge that they were at the top of their profession , regarded themselves as craftsmen .
9 As to the Scottish electorate , I reassure the hon. Gentleman that they were at the forefront in seeking the abolition of domestic rates and they will be at the forefront in resisting their reintroduction by the Opposition .
10 They were confident that they were on the winning side of history and did not need to take precautions against exile in the autumn of their lives .
11 If they needed further proof of their belief that they were on the right track , they were given it when they went to arrest Griffiths and were met by a hail of bullets ; after a chase in which Griffiths killed one man and wounded others , he was shot dead while resisting arrest .
12 Optimistic that they were on the right track , but aware that much still had to be done , first thing on the morning of Monday , 13 March Fleischmann sent a fax to Harwell and then talked on the phone the next day remarking that their information was incomplete , that they had much more to do before they would be confident enough and expressing irritation that they were being ‘ rushed into premature publication ’ .
13 I looked through the hole again and saw that they were on the top step .
14 Gebrec stared coldly back at him and Melissa sensed that they were on the verge of a confrontation , but Bonard 's attention was diverted by the approach of the members of his class , who had begun to emerge from the house .
15 The lady was very talkative , and I gathered that they were on the edge of a big estate .
16 Consequently , LEAs earmarking certain discretionary items in this way would still have to count them in calculating that they were within the 10 per cent limit .
17 erm in general we must remember that Iran was erm stating very clearly that it was exporting it 's revolution and there were statements which came out from the Iraqui from the Irani revolutionary committee that they were against the Arab states at the time and that they were very committed towards liberating Israel through Baghdad and such statements was coming , so obviously erm the Arabs had to stick together according to charter of the league of Arab states , which everybody was a member of , and Iraq being subjected to war it was natural for the Arabs to give Iraq support .
18 It is felt that the persons responsible are in fact local , although both youths stated that they were from the Nottingham area .
19 Some of them , hearing my camelmen speaking Somali , became increasingly threatening , asserting that they were from the Issa , a Somali tribe with whom they were then , as always , at war .
20 The debates which raged round their building programmes were themselves healthy signs , showing that they were in the mainstream of Victorian life which is where they wanted to be .
21 It is not that prospects for earnings are 10 p.c. better that they were in the middle of last week , but it is possible to argue that prospects are that much better than they would have been under a Labour government and that the market was discounting such a result .
22 Mayne 's party spent the rest of the night dodging the enemy and , as dawn broke , they discovered that they were in the middle of a large military camp .
23 They set out at dusk on 13 September and soon discovered that they were in the wrong wadi .
24 When she had casually mentioned that they were in the forest to hunt for the unicorn he had flung Allen into the stream .
25 Their solitary life meant that they were in the forefront of the new mystical spirit of the fourteenth century , and through The Ladder of Perfection Hilton helped them to graft the new spirituality onto the old Benedictine pieties .
26 When the mother went in , cross that they were in the kitchen alone , the girl immediately blamed her brother saying ‘ He did it , he opened the fridge , I did n't touch it ! ’
27 Rank-and-file members now participate far more fully in committee proceedings and are no longer subordinate to chairmen to the degree that they were in the past .
28 Indeed , given the fact that they were in the middle of a war the balance of which they were afraid might tip disastrously against them , would they really have opted out other than by a deliberate political decision which would not be taken until well into the future ?
29 If the Latin Americans had their nationalist sensibilities ruffled by the refusal of the Comintern to recognise that they were in the best position to analyse the situation in their own countries , and were disappointed by the level of support received from Moscow , Comintern officials in their turn were unenthusiastic about the evolution of the Latin American Communist parties and their approach to revolutionary politics .
30 Display lighting was out , as Edward Heath began his schoolmasterish campaign of mass deprivation , keeping the whole country in until the miners owned up that they were in the wrong .
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