Example sentences of "[that] have [vb pp] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This backward projection is one of the things that has motivated my own work on present-day speech communities , and my interest in how the authority of the legitimized variety is promoted in linguistic scholarship J. Milroy and L. Milroy , 1985a ) .
2 I believe it to be Treasure Hunting magazine that has kept us all together and interested in the hobby , for all these years .
3 So when we come across one that has reached its sixth , we must sit up , take notice and ask why market forces have singled it out for special success .
4 The homes of this minority tribe are built over the water on stilts , its vegetable fields float on the lake 's surface and its fishermen propel their long narrow boats with a unique leg-rowing motion that has made them famous .
5 2 Most socialists have become increasingly critical of the monopolistic and authoritarian role of Communist parties in one-party systems in a way that has made them cast doubt on the desirability of insurrection .
6 It was the launching pad for a media career that has made her one of the highest paid people on British TV .
7 ‘ I 'm looking forward to the final official opening of the Tunnel , and I 'm delighted to have been part of the support structure that has made it possible .
8 However , the fires of the Rising and exposure to the weather in the years immediately after contributed to the decay of the stonework of the facade in a way that has made it hazardous in recent years .
9 Last September the Hungarian-born American financier George Soros executed a financial coup that has made his humanitarian cup run over .
10 It is faith in our nation that has made us little people great , that has made us poor people rich , that has made us wavering , fearful , timid people brave and confident , that has made us erring wanderers clear-sighted and has brought us together !
11 And the particular incident that has aroused his fearsome wrath is the departure from Granada Television of Mr David Plowright , a man who knows about TV programmes , at the behest of Mr Gerry Robinson , a man who knows about balance sheets .
12 a scissors that has lost its middle screw ,
13 Some scientists suggest that the procaryote is a degenerate eukaryote , one that has lost its unique features .
14 There is easy access to the foot of one of the buttresses where the mammoth task of construction is better appreciated and the industry and enterprise of the builders more fully admired : these craftsmen of a past age here erected a work of art that has become their own memorial and puts to shame the undistinguished concrete structures favoured by the builders of today , builders who have the benefits of modern technology yet seem too often prepared to sacrifice character to utility .
15 It is common for students to return to a part that has given them many ideas , and to rework a passage fruitfully .
16 ‘ Wickedly wasteful , I know , but I smashed it , and set up a new one and I have painted upon that new one the first thing that has given me real pleasure for years , oh , years and years .
17 This last possibility is one that has given me some concern over these months , and is something about which I still feel undecided .
18 Never , ever breed from a mare that has given you any cause to fear her in the stable .
19 A country that has given us countless cheeses , truffles , classic dishes such as moules marinières and cassoulet , champagne and , for many years , some of the world 's finest wines , requires several tomes to do it justice .
20 MacArthur is modestly surprised by all the praise and talk of awards that has greeted her recent performances : ‘ These roles have a lot to do with the reason I became an actress in the first place — I still think of my career as being about to begin ! ’
21 My generation is the first in Britain that has spent its whole career in politics within the European Community .
22 Instead , he came up with a drink that has spread its alcoholic tentacles around the globe .
23 Natalie is dying from a rare form of cancer that has attacked her nervous system and is spreading to her bones .
24 Facing the realities of the background that has moulded their early life and finding forgiveness and understanding for those who , in the name of love , have moulded this type into submission , and learning that it is all right to show feeling and emotions will ultimately bring release and freedom to follow as their hearts dictate .
25 Mr Major said Mr Patten had been ‘ the architect of of the campaign that has won us this victory …
26 Romania 's inability to provide quick ball and their fumbling loss of possession often allowed the Scots to counter-attack from deep positions with the same instinctive fluency that has earned them 130 points in four games at Murrayfield this year .
27 He is not convinced that having read them aspiring managers can go away and teach themselves to be good leaders .
28 The distant Tower showed no mark of the flames that had consumed its upper floors .
29 Now , though , with this Lucifer 's touch on her body , his lips hungry and demanding on her own , she lost her will to fight , lost sight of all the reasons that had kept her aloof and apart from the crowd .
30 Flavia Sherman was still wrestling with the turmoil of emotions that had kept her awake long after she returned to her own hut through the stormy jungle night .
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