Example sentences of "[that] [vb -s] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The change in the orbit of the earth is too slow to be observed , but this same effect has been observed over the past few years occurring in the system called PSR 1913+16 ( PSR stands for " pulsar , " a special type of neutron star that emits regular pulses of radio waves ) .
2 Any program that receives favourable reviews from enough teachers should be considered for — distribution as it stands but on a national basis — production to a professional standard — transferability to other microcomputers — publication by national system — publication by commercial publishers .
3 Another possible way of controlling colonic pressures is through 5-HT 3 antagonists such as odansentron , a compound that slows colonic transit in normal sucjects .
4 Added to this the partner of the black hole must have swollen to the giant stage in order that material can be transferred rapidly enough to give an accretion disc that produces detectable numbers of X-rays .
5 Despite the evidence of solidarity there is little to suggest that this culture , even though it is against the formal organizational structure , is one that produces active protest against the conditions of the work enterprise .
6 A cheap alternative to a radio microphone that produces acceptable recordings of one speaker is to use a small tape recorder attached to a tie-clip microphone .
7 Helped by heavy subsidies from the European Commission , France 's Thomson and Holland 's Philips have been busily developing a new European standard for high-definition television ( HDTV ) , a new broadcasting technology that offers cinema-quality pictures on a TV screen .
8 Marxists have the dogmatic assurance that comes from possessing a world-view that offers total explanations of social and cultural processes , and which is mysteriously immune to the ideological determinism ind deformation that they diagnose in others .
9 He argues that all other forms of therapy are simply tranquillizers , helping people to adapt rather than change , or else to find an addiction like meditation or relaxation that offers temporary relief to which we will always need to return .
10 Football thrives on scandal , it is a highly competitive game that offers untold wealth to the most talented players , sudden and often tragic decline in the lives of those whose youth or skills desert them , and the extremes of pain and passion to those who follow the game .
11 Ireland has a well developed educational system that supplies good candidates for science and technology courses .
12 Nippon Digital Equipment Corp has a Japanese version of software that turns personal computers into X-terminals .
13 The best alternative use is likely to be one that not only leaves the exterior of the building unchanged , but one that involves minimal subdivision of the interior .
14 Instead , these bureaux use a method that involves close supervision of the trainee .
15 In addition , although they are almost blind the Harpies are scared of bright lights and fire in particular ; they are treated as being subject to fear of any magical effect that involves large amounts of light or fire ( such as a Fire Ball ) in addition to the spell 's more usual effects .
16 Still , I grant him many points , particularly his maintaining that Wagner is representative of a modern dilettantism that sucks up and swallows everything of any artistic interest ; but precisely from this standpoint , one can not be astonished enough at … a disposition that allies indestructible energy with many-sided artistic gifts …
17 Each input data source is assumed to be characterized by an error model that represents reasonable estimates of the levels and nature of the data uncertainty thought to be present .
18 There were , however , some cases in which the model did not come up with a valid parse , that is , a pattern that represents complete coverage of the input by a set of nonoverlapping words .
19 So far , though , Pool Re has raised far less cash than was expected , according to AIRMIC , an association that represents corporate buyers of insurance .
20 One of the major points to emerge from computational theory is that the best way of achieving a representation of the environment is via a modular system that represents different properties of the environment in different parts of the system .
21 Yeah mhm yeah I mean you may want to select some stuff that 's y'know that represents different kinds of things because as I remember our conversations earlier , you were interested in er y'know sort of ideological soundness , political correctness and y'know were some things funny but sort of off-colour for other reasons erm er I 'm paraphrasing it badly but er y'know I think that th s so you might want to get some stuff that 's sort of ideologically sound and humorous and er some stuff that 's a bit off-colour and humorous and some stuff that 's erm sort of I do n't know some stuff that 's main stream but has got a lot of y'know if you look at something like say The Two Ronnies or something , there 's a lot of there 's a lot of racism and sexism in there but it 's because it 's sort of main stream because it 's family viewing and stuff like that people tend not to think of it as problematic .
22 One of the snags that confronts small businesses in particular is that of cash flow .
23 The Raphael Clinic is a member of The Flotation Tank Association ( ) that guarantees high standards of hygiene and privacy .
24 Indeed , it is an oddity that he seemed to see the criminal justice system as being the only aspect of the environment that influences individual decisions about whether it is worthwhile to commit crime or not .
25 Basal medium supplement is a medium supplement that contains defined amounts of salt , aminoacids , D-glucose , vitamins , peptides , and growth factors as described in the company 's catalogue .
26 Another set of problems that has serious implications for the social survey involves issues to do with data analysis rather more than collection but , none the less , does have a bearing in getting us to understand the limits of the survey and of variable analysis .
27 It is in this way that Foucault can return to the possibility of doing historical work that has political force through his notion of genealogy , which means , as he puts it , ‘ that I begin my analysis from a question posed in the present ’ .
28 Remington 's Smooth And Silky depilator , £29.95 , removes hair with a revolving rubber roller that has tiny slits in it .
29 No one can be in any doubt now that she was pulling the strings behind the royal side show that has preoccupied Britain for the past six months .
30 Precisely because we are forced , in order to model these relations , into defining design activity as it takes place in its real context — that of the social — and do not attempt to abstract it , to isolate it from these relations , we find we build a model of designing that has surprising efficacy in application to questions of design method .
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