Example sentences of "[that] [was/were] [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But it was her North African journeys that were to give her two short stories , and she wrote with enthusiasm of the beautiful tajines she had eaten in Morocco .
2 His first book , containing two stories , ‘ Odette D'Antrevernes ’ and ‘ A Study in Temperament ’ , was published in 1905 ; and in the following summer he was at work on his first novel The Artificial Princess ( published posthumously in 1934 ) : in it he devised the techniques of elliptical narrative and baroque construction , and the manner , at once satirical and lyric , concentrated and fragmentary , that were to characterize his mature work .
3 By the way , when we had that pair , that were driving me mad , and then that one died , when we were in bungalow .
4 Claudia gave up without a struggle to the sensations that were shaking her slender form .
5 But he thought he knew a thing or two about muscles , and the knowledge that it was only a couple of big muscles that were keeping him alive was not comforting .
6 As Branch Manager Ian Davies said ‘ the excitement must have been terrific because only at this point did anyone realise that Stella could n't swim and it was only Freddy and the wet suit that were keeping her afloat ! ’
7 He glanced at the cloud of mayflies that were dancing their joyful zigzags near His skull .
8 The Fifth Army had spread its attack across the Meuse to eliminate the guns that were gnawing its right flank .
9 In the 1920s , an uncle founded the Barrandov film studios that were to have their finest hour with the Czech New Wave of the Sixties , and his father was responsible for and owned , among other buildings , the Lucerna block in the heart of the city which has been part of the life of most Pragers , with its remarkable collection of art-deco restaurants , bars , cinemas and concert hall .
10 That he managed to summon enough energy to make any collections at all during his stay is something of a miracle ; had he been more thorough and punctilious in his methods he would have saved history , as well as himself , a lot of time and trouble when it came to corroborating the theories that were to bring him such fame , and infamy , many years later .
11 She was far too conscious of the man whose own appetite seemed unimpaired by any of the emotions that were troubling her more and more .
12 It was when the draft for a document on revelation was presented in November 1962 that the Council really began to experience the creative polarization that was to shape its whole history .
13 But the early years of fear and the hostility between Luke and his father , who died of a heart attack in 1980 , left a deep scar on the young boy and one that was to shape his rebellious school years .
14 But worst of all these tactical disabilities was the flanking fire that was crippling their frontal assaults the moment they debouched into open ground .
15 Scored for flute , viola and harp , it is alternately perky and elegiac in mood , reflecting the happier circumstances of its composition — and Zeisl 's knowledge of the heart condition that was to kill him three years later .
16 My beer was to be in a posh hotel where I was being treated for my birthday , and after the heaven of getting out of a T-shirt that was generating its own new species of life in the arm pits , and into a hot bath , I looked forward to discussing the day eagerly with my companion .
17 Because it was n't just Ross 's non-appearance that was causing her such distress .
18 ‘ Ross … please , Ross … ! ’ she gasped , desperate for the power and thrust of his flesh , which alone could bring release from the ever-mounting , passionate excitement that was shaking her slender form .
19 Even so , though Hendrix has more or less possessed Randy for the past fifteen years , Hansen 's original guitar influences could n't be further removed from the blues-based , howling feedback style that was to become his shared trademark .
20 It was n't sexual jealousy that was afflicting her this time , for it was obvious that the woman was just a good friend .
21 Bruce went into the bathroom , put on his tie , and stuck the needle that was to plague his remaining years into his arm .
22 One finger pointed up to the bright flood-light that was showing me all this .
23 There was a noise in her head that was making her dizzy so she whispered , ‘ Thank you , ’ and put the receiver down .
24 I skate down the road a bit before I shout at cops — or anyone that was giving me some shit .
25 one of the things that was driving me mad in last part of my career was , I was responsible for documentation , the fuel issues on the , round a thousand of gallons a day .
26 She felt that the slightest movement would snap his will , precipitating an explosion out of the swell of desire that was sweeping them both to the edge of a world they were too prudent to enter willingly .
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