Example sentences of "[that] [prep] [art] same time " in BNC.

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1 Something inside me stretched as I walked so that at the same time I was walking on the top of those hills .
2 My one proviso is that at the same time , Hadrian 's Wall should be repaired , extended fully , and provided with one single opening through which all scots at present in the south should be shepherded to the north , whereupon the opening should be smartly bricked up before they have the chance to get back .
3 Nothing , he found , was more effective — as he tried to devise an inner world that at the same time avoided the black hole of dejection — than work , solitary work , work in which one was gladly buried .
4 The incongruity was that at the same time he was convinced of retribution in this world .
5 As a codicil to this I should tell you that at the same time in another part of the camp , the National Union of Miners were holding some sort of conference themselves .
6 You need to have that and it is no bad thing provided , of course , that at the same time you are prepared to listen and benefit from good advice .
7 When it is remembered that at the same time the beginnings of large-scale industry could be discerned in Japan , it can be seen that a big absolute growth in this period masks a significant change in Europe 's relative position .
8 Instead of centring his analyses on the knowledge derived from the experience of the subject , Foucault investigates the conditions of emergence of the subject as the basis of knowledge ; he argues that at the same time as it was widely proposed as the one saving good of human civilization it also facilitated a more sinister operation .
9 It was part of the same southern European pattern that at the same time Greece shook off one more episode of military dictatorship , and with it the monarchy , and established a democratic republic .
10 It is one of the paradoxes of contemporary political thinking that at the same time as much conventional theory has tried to restrict the idea of democracy to that of choosing a government from competing elites , it is also widely admitted that the theoretical sovereignty of these democratic governments is not in fact matched by their actual powers over society , particularly in relation to the vast conglomerate firms and multi-national companies on whose policies and decisions the employment and livelihood of so many millions now depend .
11 It is also recognized that at the same time there is a need for close cooperation with the other departments and sections of the organization and with the statutorily appointed external auditor , particularly with regard to the exchange of information and to making the best overall use of audit resources .
12 It was unfortunate , I thought , that at the same time as I had realised the grandeur of God I had fallen in love with a mortal , and that the two experiences should have proved to be mutually exclusive , leaving me with the sensation that I was being sundered by equal forces .
13 And you know that at the same time as you could clout them you 'd actually die for them also if it came to the point .
14 The most noteworthy consequences of such an attitude was that at the same time as growing numbers of Latin Americans , particularly young people , were looking to Marxism for some kind of solution , the orthodox Communist parties were widely perceived to be inert and impotent .
15 Hon. Members will be aware that at the same time as we consulted about our council tax proposals , we issued a consultation paper in Scotland about water and sewerage charges .
16 I am therefore requesting , in accordance with the confidentiality undertaking , that the Information memorandum is returned to me and that at the same time you confirm in writing that you and your advisers have destroyed any further copies of the documentation .
17 US officials reportedly expressed concerns that the Soviet side had drawn back from previously agreed elements of the START treaty , and that at the same time it appeared to be adopting a less conciliatory stance on other arms control and disarmament issues , such as the ceiling on troops in Central Europe and the outline of an " Open Skies " treaty agreed in February [ ibid . ] .
18 He will tell members of the county 's public protection committee that at the same time it has become increasingly difficult to man the main consumer advice centres in Durham , Darlington and Bishop Auckland .
19 Yes oh I ee I , I 'm led to understand that he , he built that church and I 'm led to understand that at the same time he started , he came as a curate to St Matthew 's and then he came to Street into a house and he had a little , he started a little church down there in a private house and then he built the church .
20 Yes , and I do hope that at the same time that we 've been talking about how relatively practical religion has become , that we shall remember the mystery which it witnesses to .
21 It certainly has a bearing , er it , it has a bearing in two directions , it causes price increases and cost increases at the same time for the producers , so that at the same time as there are price increases , increasing inflation , there is a reduction in production .
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