Example sentences of "[that] [prep] [adj] time [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Jerusalem Post of Dec. 29 pointed out that for first time the USA had backed a resolution in the Council ( as opposed to the General Assembly ) which referred to " all the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel since 1967 , including Jerusalem " .
2 It seems that for some time the firm had been issuing such promissory notes and having them endorsed by its local bank in Bihać ( where , incidentally , the partisans held the first meeting of the Anti-Fascist Council for the Liberation of Yugoslavia ) .
3 I think that in due time the British people will want to know a bit more than that .
4 The committee appointed to enquire into the copper trade and mining ( 1799 ) , said in their report that copper bolts had never been considered strong enough , and that the practice of copper bottoming was stopped by about 1750 , as a result of the losses , and the fact that at one time a third of the navy was in dock under repair .
5 Since the church was the work of Pelligrini Tibaldi it means that at one time the two most famous of Milanese architects — Il Pellegrino and L'Alessi — were working in Piazza San Fedele at the same time , the one on the church , and the other on the Palazzo Marino .
6 One of the most bizarre elements of the whole plutonium jigsaw is the fact that at one time the government sanctioned , at cabinet level , two private companies to own some of the material even though it had been produced by the electricity generating industry .
7 It is simply that at one time the ooze covering the sea floor contained shells of animals — and before that did not .
8 Finally , erm various terms have been erm thrown around about new settlements being an engine of growth and a sinkhole for future growth , erm the only point I want to make there is that any future growth beyond the present structure plan period of two thousand and six would of course be subject to the planning system , there is no automatic erm growth erm of any new settlement that is proposed or may be proposed beyond two thousand and six , and Mr Davis has indicated that at that time a new study will be carried out on the relative merits of the alternative options that were seen at that time .
9 A record dated 1665 shows that at that time the archery contests were held over 4 days .
10 He estimated that at that time the local wind had become steady at 15 to 20 mph from 300°M , which was less than that on previous occasions when he had operated from the same field .
11 It is , however , also the case that at that time the company was facing very substantial difficulties in recruiting labour .
12 It was , however , nothing so dramatic or pompous-merely a statement revealing that at that time the question of my succession to Macmillan had simply not crossed my mind .
13 For example , let it be assumed that at some time an individual has become entitled to the ownership of some goods , by virtue of an approved process designated ‘ good — .
14 The whole of the double-entry system is based upon this principle and it follows from this principle that at any time the total debits must equal the total credits and by adding the two a check can be made on the double entry ; this is one of the main advantages of the system .
15 ‘ Provision is , however , made for the possibility that at any time the two airports may have the same owner .
16 Always remember , however , that at any time the participants in the drama can come out of role to consider what is happening .
17 But it should not be thought that at this time the Minister relied solely on the advice of his civil servants for the formation of policy .
18 This was not simply a boastful assertion of the worth of his own cultural background , for there is no doubt that at this time the Dalmatians included theologians , philosophers , poets and lawyers whose ‘ minds were admired by Italy itself ’ .
19 I would imagine that by that time the still adolescent Mandy was so sexually confused she did n't know what she was doing .
20 I lie there light-headed on the pillow at half-past four in the morning , knowing that anyway it 's nearly over , that by this time tomorrow we 'll have done it , that by this time the next day I 'll be out of the country .
21 Ms Davis said that by this time the girl 's mother had learned of her disappearance and was told that the child had been sighted with the defendant , who was ‘ well known in the area and well known to police ’ .
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