Example sentences of "[that] [noun prp] be [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I have heard that Stirling is planning an operation against shipping in Benghazi .
2 No , the sound of crunching from the hallway confirmed that Holmes was having a remote control snack .
3 Sun Microsystems Inc chief executive Scott McNealy arrived at the SunSoft Developers ' Conference last week all spiffed up in a dinner jacket , wing collar , jeans and sneakers ; SunSoft president Ed Zander , a man with a tailor to kill for and the wardrobe to prove it , was quick to notice that McNealy was wearing a shirt with his initials on the cuff for the first time in his life — McNealy shot back that the ‘ SM ’ stood for ‘ Stop Microsoft . ’
4 SunSoft Inc president Ed Zander , a man with a tailor to kill for and the wardrobe to prove it , was quick to notice that McNealy was wearing a shirt with his initials on the cuff for the first time in his life .
5 A punch would be delivered and Ricky , thinking this had ended the row would take himself off to bed only to find the next minute that Minton was emptying a bottle of water over him .
6 REPORTS state that Romania is breaking the Peace Treaties of Paris and the Helsinki Agreement .
7 There was further evidence at Roker Park that Blissett is developing a potent partnership with record-buy Joe Allon .
8 During his conversations with Marcus , when they did take place , Ludens had the impression that Marcus was pursuing a consecutive line of thought , sections of which were randomly surfacing for Ludens 's benefit , or even for Marcus 's benefit , at moments when Marcus felt it might clarify his ideas to verbalise them aloud , and even to listen to a response .
9 It suddenly seemed terrible that Marcus was leaving the flat .
10 Though immensely enjoyable to read , the Exercises give no impression that Gassendi is doing the best by his opponents before attacking them .
11 The deal provokes further speculation that Rowland is preparing the way for a successor to take over the group he has led for 30 years .
12 Her instincts told her that Ben was suffering a pang of conscience with regard to his part in this little deception .
13 The odd balance of power within the city was almost destroyed entirely when on 12 November 1933 Adolf Hitler announced that Germany was leaving the League of Nations .
14 Georgina knew that Ivor was having an affair with Arabella .
15 He began to move round the Lad , and Taliesin , who was watching closely , thought that Fael-Inis was creating an invisible circle .
16 At the time my feeling was that David was making a conscious decision to become big ..
17 I did n't know at that time what the content of the exhibition was because Sarah who organised it all had to write to lots of people and arrange the loans and you know it is fairly recently that we discovered for example the tate would lend , their pictures because its very rare that they do , erm , and , so we thought the next best thing , when I discovered the change of dates would be to have slides of the pictures that Sue was using , but erm oh dear then wonderful that Sue was using a another book and this term allocated and I was n't able to get the slides she picked , it was my fault that they 're not on slide due to the amount of time that we had to do this .
18 It is plain that Brussels is pursuing a policy of ‘ regionalisation ’ of industry and agriculture and , in the over-all plan , Great Britain does not feature as a coal producing region nor , in that case , as a chemicals producing region .
19 After Mia discovered that Woody was having an affair with her 21-year-old adopted daughter , Soon-Yi , the tortured comic genius started to have violent mood swings — and the light-hearted film turned more and more brutal as Woody 's world fell apart .
20 The ones appointed to do the job had never been very good at it , but he had heard a rumour that Horemheb was training a secret corps of police , answering to him alone but set up in the pharaoh 's name and in the interests of national security .
21 Hammond Wilde had seen the advantages of producing a really lavish brochure which made the point that Royalbion was sponsoring the Million Sterling Tournament .
22 Still , nobody mentioned that Levi was dominating the USPGA Tour , or that he was the best player in America at the time .
23 But the fact is that Courtney 's dealing the hand of an unborn baby as well as her own .
24 What seems to be happening is that Valerie is adopting a " Jamaican " persona in which irritation may be shown more freely ( but also , perhaps , less threateningly ) to a person 's face .
25 On the home front there are also the tales that Kylie was buying a house with Jason Donovan in the inner Melbourne suburb of Richmond .
26 Not so funny , however , were the more hurtful allegations that Kylie was having an affair with rock star Greedy Smith from the Australian group Mental As Anything .
27 As has already been observed by the Dominican , Conrad Pepler : we need not to labour the fact that Hilton is writing the same things as St John of the Cross , …
28 It was reported on Nov. 30 , 1989 , that the then Hungarian Trade Minister , Tamas Beck had revealed that Hungary was pressing the US to relax COCOM controls so that it could upgrade its telecommunications industry .
29 Officials of the International Committee of the Red Cross ( ICRC ) were reported on Dec. 28 to have said that Kuwait was delaying the return of up to 4,000 Bedoun ( inhabitants of Kuwait without Iraqi citizenship ) from Iraq .
30 Interior Minister Shaikh Ahmad Hammoud al Jabir as Sabah confirmed in a newspaper interview published on Dec. 26 that Kuwait was to build a security fence along the length of its 250-km border with Iraq .
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