Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] [vb past] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Er , the first thing is I put on the top of my draught that I 'd rather the pupils were n't involved at this stage I 'd rather they were involved in the over view with form tutor .
2 ‘ It was just that you seemed so interested in my being one of the survivors that I got quite the wrong initial impression . ’
3 It is for reasons like these that I crossed out the best part of two months each autumn to devote to the public-spending discussions .
4 The parents were removed and I estimated that I had over a hundred eggs .
5 But it was absolutely clear to me then that I had n't the political antennae , the political flair .
6 Malc was furious , especially when I admitted that I had n't the heart to charge the old dear , so we were two quid out of pocket .
7 That was bad enough but what made it worse was that I had n't the faintest idea what was wrong with them .
8 He said I was just covering up for the fact that I had n't the faintest idea of what was wrong . ’
9 ‘ I early found that I had not the literary ability to give me such a place among English authors as I should have desired ; but I thought that I had an opportunity of gaining a knowledge of many of the distinguished men of the age , and that I might do some good by keeping a record of my interviews with them . ’
10 She only liked me for my wealth , and when I , disguised as the gipsy woman , told her that I had only a little money , she and her mother lost interest in me .
11 Something was taking place in my life that I had absolutely no control over … and I was happy about it .
12 I told you in another part of this saga of mine that I took over a Night in No 7 Squadron from a Flight Commander .
13 You may recall that I proposed earlier a scheme to do just that — namely , the registration of a new entry , but accompanied by a code known to the Registrar which would alert him in any case of attempted fraud .
14 The wood is alder and the deal is that I scaled down the body a little bit .
15 Well I 've got the little blue packet yeah and I 'm screaming yeah I thought that I won about a hundred pounds or something yeah .
16 I once calculated that I did about a thousand hours ' work in the three years I was there , an average of an hour a day .
17 Alas , they had no high chairs for nine month old Daniel , and it was with a sinking heart that I picked up the menu , while trying to hold the baby and prevent toddler Michael from pulling off the tablecloth .
18 Does my right hon. Friend know that I gave up the opportunity of becoming a solicitor like the hon. Member for Glasgow , Garscadden ( Mr. Dewar ) because accountants put the losses on the right and the profits on the left ?
19 Barbara Coleman was saying something about the former beauty of the garden and its decline , but wondering aloud whether it was fair to say decline because what was happening was that the garden was returning to nature , and further wondering whether it was really and truly nature because some of the plants were not native to the region and did not entirely belong there , and then wondering whether that was not a strange remark to come from one who had made Provence her home for so long that she felt quite a part of the landscape .
20 Her robe hung open , revealing that she wore only a brief pair of panties .
21 She looked me over , said I seemed to be a nice girl and announced that she had just the job for me — taking her goats out for a walk !
22 If only he knew that looking after his dogs had made her feel that she had just the smallest stake in his life , that it had in some measure comforted her for his absence .
23 More than once in cross-examination Miss Tucker said that she had since the police interview changed her statement , and had made ‘ a new one . ’
24 She also felt the tiniest bit muzzy and hoped that she had n't a cold coming on .
25 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ she apologised breathlessly , so bemused by that time that she had n't a clue what she was apologising for .
26 By the end of the ceremony she was so upset that she had n't the nerve to go to the house with the small party of mourners , and caught a train straight back to London .
27 She would have loved to know what the erring Frau Gesner had done , but he had suddenly looked so stern , so sad , that she had n't the nerve to ask .
28 In the darkness , under cover of which they had been kissing cuddling so much ( with his hand inside her blouse ) that she had not the first idea what the film was about , he took her hand and guided it down to his lap .
29 It was rather touching , especially when one realised that she had practically no money but her old age pension .
30 Yvonne Flatman had been designated the role of temporary helmsman and declared , cheerfully , that she had virtually no steerage way .
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