Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] need a new " in BNC.

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1 I just says to Mrs Sneddon that she needed a new battery for her hearing aid and that a daimen-icker in a thrave didny mean whit she thought it did !
2 She later achieved her Financial Planning Certificate — the incentive for this was that she needed a new tumble drier , so the bonus for completing the qualification was perfectly timed !
3 This is the basis on which my branch believes that we need a new rule which covers branches .
4 It therefore states that many British trade unionists now suggest that we need a new industrial relations institution where a wide agenda of issues can be discussed between managers and employee representatives that work company level .
5 Speaking at the charter 's launch , Jonathon Porritt said that it was extraordinary that " people who are paying perhaps £200 a night are so dirty that they need a new towel every night " .
6 Perhaps the problem with the machine , thought many of the intellectuals , was that it needed a new design and improved principles to guide it .
7 It was very dimly aware that it needed a new type of thought .
8 There is an initial paradox here of some importance for the future : the monastic life which he found at Canterbury appeared to him so decayed that it needed a new beginning , yet he did not sweep it away and establish an up-to-date archiepiscopal church served by a community of secular clerks , on the pattern of Rouen or Lyons or most other cathedral churches in Europe .
9 The author is public relations adviser to the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators ALLEN SHEPPARD , chairman and group chief executive of Grand Metropolitan , reckons that business is now becoming so complex that he needs a new core of trained administrators .
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