Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] [verb] they [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Charles , her husband , jokes all the time about what I 'm wearing , insists that I join them for formal dinners late at night , and then teases me throughout them because I 've never eaten squid before , and I do n't know what haggis is made of .
2 Be pleased to tell them that I remember them with great kindness and great respect .
3 ‘ He gave me six points for this country so clearly that I saw them as if on a black-board and could simply copy them down . ’
4 I started off at the s at the start I was er I was getting mouth ulcers , and then well I did n't get them to the severity that I got them with the sulfasalazine
5 Also that I described them in car on way home as five most grotesque examples of humanity this side of the swamps of Lousiana .
6 For that matter , now that I see them for this moment so clearly , what has Hugh to do with the king , either ?
7 And put them your side since we found that I did them for you .
8 She would cook them all a good breakfast and make it clear that she expected them to be at the table on time .
9 It was only the other day that she showed them to me .
10 Again , like Microsoft , WordPerfect UK would rather that you contacted them for an upgrade .
11 If you use this method , make certain that you write them on the board before the talk and that your writing is legible .
12 Well , the you 've heard , I 've heard some people being nasty and , and they did n't say no , but it was always , not always it was occasionally done grudgingly , and , and erm in many cases of course it was done willingly , you know come in yes please do , and , and they did n't even want the penny that , that you offered them for the telephone call .
13 You are invited to contact them via the Reader Service Card , and if you contact them by other means it would be greatly appreciated if you would mention that you read them in CHEMISTRY IN BRITAIN .
14 Invest time , this week , next week and every week in encouraging and supporting this elite team , making sure that you provide them with development opportunities .
15 It 's quicker to sort those rather than those because what tends to happen is that you process them as an entity rather than as single figures .
16 And now this spineless crowd of chancers demands that we back them against Lamont 's minions [ and their threatened imposition of VAT on books ] because of their contributions to knowledge . ’
17 One thing said in support of the idea that we take effects to be probable events , and , more particularly , said against the analysis expounded in this chapter that we take them to be necessitated events , is relevant enough , although likely to be disdained by the high-minded .
18 ‘ We are putting a lot of money into these core plants to improve their efficiency and reduce variable costs , ’ Ewart emphasizes , ‘ It is vital that we keep them in good shape . ’
19 Hunter , Joyce , and Redruth were told what was happening , and were less surprised that we expected them to be .
20 Is it not possible that we apprehend them as feelings of hotness and coldness because the feelings are usually of one sort when our bodies are hot , and of another sort when our bodies are cold ?
21 My recommendation is that we scrap them for the ten year decade of evangelism as a trial period and then think again in AD 2000 !
22 ‘ The Arsenal way of doing things , though , is that we do them in private — not in public .
23 For the trouble with the great and the good is that we expect them to be on duty the whole time .
24 As the hon. Gentleman knows , whenever we make comparisons the figures that we quote are adjusted backwards to ensure that we quote them on a truly comparable basis in all instances .
25 McAllion ) very seriously and I suggest that we debate them in a sensible manner .
26 In 1985 , when Japanese chip makers last started slashing prices , America 's government insisted that they raise them in order to protect the ( virtually non-existent ) American DRAM industry .
27 Auer did , in fact , produce such fine raised patterns that Austrian government representatives found the resemblance so close ‘ that they took them to be real lace , until , by touching and closely examining them , they convinced themselves that they were the production of the printing press ’ .
28 French workmen fleeing from the dock were fired on because the Germans thought this was an organised rising , the explosions coming so long after the raid that they took them to be the work of the Free French Resistance Movement and threatened reprisals if the ‘ revolt ’ did not stop .
29 they always seemed backward , they found that they took them to different specialist and the truth is , they 've both left school now and got jobs , but they were er , dyslexia
30 Sometimes the king allowed subjects to take deer for themselves in his forests ; the warden 's duty was to see to it that they had a proper writ of warranty when they came to his forest , that they did not take more than the specified number , and that they took them in the prescribed manner .
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