Example sentences of "[that] [pers pn] [adj] [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Not just meeting the right person at the right time but also developing at the same pace so that you both have the same needs and expectations from life at roughly the same time .
2 Patrick held both hands up in a gesture of peace , he smiled for a moment ; I 'm no trying to get at you personally but I just fucking feel that you cant expect the teacher to be the everything , the heavyweight boxing champion of the world .
3 So , if I believe that we each have a number of incarnations , what do I think is the purpose of it all ?
4 This does not — repeat not — mean that we each enjoy the cruelty inherent in the production of animal foods .
5 It is also at Hatfield that we first get a clear glimpse of the tricky controversial personality of Cornelius Vermuyden .
6 For example , it is in the family that we first encounter the way in which people who have authority behave , and the differences in the way men and women behave .
7 It is not that , in the face of a system of chattel slavery , we first insist on counting everyone 's interests equitably and then see if slaves should be liberated ; it is that we first recognise the moral imperative to liberate them , on grounds other than counting equal interests equally .
8 ‘ It claims that we first select a particular task that we wish to carry out , and then select the appropriate machine which will enable us to perform this task .
9 This does not mean that we all display the same feelings about God or become the same temperamental type .
10 You can all see that it is imperative that we all maintain the efforts that have been successful in 1992 right through 1993 .
11 First of all I think at the end of the day that we all know a democracy never comes cheap , it 's erm , there are cheaper alternatives for administering decisions , but erm , but dictatorship does n't go well and therefore democracy will never come cheap .
12 At the same time the Service will keep the Countryside Code firmly in front of all who use the hills so that we all develop the ‘ good manners ’ which will assist , rather than hinder , the work of the farmers and other principal users .
13 ‘ I think Mr Fairham means that we all share a concern over the incident that happened here not so long ago , ’ Clinton said .
14 ‘ What is most important is that we all share the same vision , ’ said Fr Naidu .
15 A number of right hon. and hon. Members ' constituencies include major petroleum production facilities , so I am sure that we all share the concern and anxiety felt by the hon. Member for Falkirk , East ( Mr. Ewing ) .
16 It is as if Hahnemann takes it for granted that we all understand the importance of quantity , as well as potency , when administering a remedy , but this seems almost a revolutionary concept to us as we rarely consider this factor when using both low and high potency centesimal remedies .
17 We do not need here to rehearse the contentious issues which surround integration , but it is sometimes aimed that the placement of a child in a mainstream school constitutes integration , or , in any event , that we all understand the same meaning of this term .
18 Of course there is no way of knowing that we all see the same thing .
19 National Youth Sunday is an opportunity to remind the young people , and older parishioners , that we all play an equally important part within the Church .
20 Another thing that did come up at that training day the other day was that we all need a , a , a , anybody that 's going to do any sort of appraising will need to know what the erm training programme is
21 Again , there are those who would quarrel with this view but let me tell you that we all have a mentor , an inner teacher , a guardian angel , a being of light who protects us and is totally dedicated to the task of leading us to the point of self-realization , to bring about the harmony and peace for which we pray .
22 Some violence is , of course , sheer unadulterated sadism with an accompanying orgiastic delight in hurting and remember that we all have a sadistic capacity and there are not many people so out of touch with the darker , deeper aspects of their human nature that they have never indulged a sadistic fantasy .
23 Practitioners believe that we all have a huge ability to heal ourselves ; the day-to-day stresses of life can make us lose our way and illness strikes .
24 Now is the time for us all to inform ourselves about the problem to make sure that we all have a part in the making of that decision ’ .
25 ‘ Natural ’ : does this mean that we all have a gene that determines we will be shocked ?
26 That 's quite an interesting one , if you consider as students how do you learn erm in general you probably do n't learn that much in lectures because for example we know from experiments that we all have a limited attention span .
27 That 's right , and I think that erm , yes , there 's a notion that I find useful in talking to students that we all have a comfort zone , there are all things that we know about , that we know how to do and if anything comes up — I mean in business it might be accountancy , we do n't all know how to handle figures , and so that 's an area that we 've hived off in that area and we all know that when we do that we are , as it were , giving up a bit ; we 're saying ‘ well , I ca n't manage I just do n't have I ca n't do that , it 's not for me ’ .
28 We 've all — take these two poems , we 've all been children ; most people have been in love ; we 're all we all think about our death ; we all think about our parents ; we all like stories and we all like stories that seem , you know , to deal with some primal central human experience , so I do n't think you have to say anything more than what we all know already , that we all have a great deal in common with one another .
29 He believed that we all have an ‘ inborn social feeling ’ and an ‘ inescapable characteristic of empathy ’ .
30 As well as marking Oxfam 's 50th anniversary , it 's also Leap Year which means that we all have an extra day to do something special for other people and to help Oxfam work towards making the world a fairer place .
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