Example sentences of "[that] [noun pl] [verb] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 Though LMS is widely felt to have reduced the scope for staffing enhancement in primary schools , we believe it to be essential that schools retain the broader managerial repertoire which PNP has encouraged .
2 Campaigners seek to convince the unconverted that animals deserve a better deal !
3 This is a descriptive vote because this hundred er women are not a representative cross section of the whole of Scotland they 're invited to come from various places and ninety six of them think that animals deserve a better deal .
4 He will argue that Scots put a higher proportion of their wealth into forming small businesses but are restricted from getting their fledgling operations off the ground through a lack of capital .
5 Newton 's law of gravitation has no explicit time dependence , implying that gravitational effects are transmitted instantaneously to all parts of the Universe ; however , it is a basic postulate of SR that signals travel no faster than the speed of light .
6 In practice the boundary between the formation of policy and its execution is not always clear , and politicians sometimes complain that officials usurp the higher functions .
7 Of non-flowering plants , it has been argued that ferns have a lower associated insect fauna , though it has long been known that bracken has a large number of associated arthropods .
8 Most New Yorkers probably feel that Egypt is part of Europe , and wo n't want a dirty old European stone cluttering their favourite wilding ground ; others , the more politically correct , will feel that Egyptians have the greater moral claim because Arabs are slightly blacker than they are .
9 In other words , the payment of high dividends depresses the security 's price which means that investors require a higher income rate of return to induce them to hold those securities paying high dividends .
10 After all , the first two merely restate the assumptions made earlier in Chapter 2 that investors prefer a higher expected return at the lowest possible risk .
11 The decision based on a number of current offspring , larger numbers can be greater benefited with and therefore it 's more likely that if the parent had a lot of er offspring then he would continue with the investment and erm the conclusion from now is that males have a greater reproductive success , therefore they are more likely to desert because they can erm and erm this and erm the basic argument of this is one parent can get away with investing less share of erm resources they 're likely to spend more er then they 're to do it , so in other words erm if , if one of the , of the two is being to get away with having the other they can go out to er pursue their own and therefore erm each partner force the other to invest more .
12 Von Tunzelmann , remarking that prices had the greater influence on real wage trends over this period , finds that the indices available are much closer to each other than they are for the periods on either side .
13 Again like Crowther , it strongly recommended the raising of the school leaving age to 16 [ this eventually happened in 1972 ] and the provision of a more stimulating and demanding curriculum so that pupils had a wider choice of courses , including some ‘ broadly related to occupational interests ’ , and others concerned with personal and social development , and ‘ imaginative experience through the arts ’ .
14 Survey show basically that men have a greater accidents , i.e. they , they do proceed when they should n't etcetera , erm women tend to do stupid things like , erm reverse into parking spaces that are too small
15 The Mathematics and Science Working Parties which have already reported require programmes of learning to be based explicitly on practical experience so that students develop a deeper understanding of the technological society in which they will live and work .
16 It may also be that women have a greater need of seeing some of the qualities of the future .
17 Second , there is a sense in which the whole area of kin relationships is women 's business more than men 's , in that women have a stronger commitment to and interest in keeping the structures of support alive .
18 It seems from these results that unions have a greater ( negative ) impact upon the use of agency workers than upon the use of fixed-term contract workers .
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