Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [not/n't] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It will make sure that everyone not only tells our customers what we do for them but also why we do it .
2 This had been doubly hurtful , for it meant that she not only did not want to work for and look after him but preferred his lifestyle to her own , and by implication ( for she was a lazy woman ) that meant that she considered what he did not to be work at all , merely a pleasurable means of making a great deal of money .
3 It is quite likely that you not only have no experience of regression therapy but have never even been hypnotized before .
4 Of course , it 's good to know the ground rules about wearing the right clothes and not jumping on the sett ( certainly , from the badger 's point of view ) , but the consequence of picking up badger-lore slowly — getting closer to the smells , scratches and signs — is that you not only find it easier to watch badgers but also more enjoyable .
5 They are an important part of our twin-track approach so that we not only come down hard on offenders who commit the crime of taking vehicles , but we do all we can to prevent youngsters from offending .
6 Gestalt psychologists insist that we not only learn by the steady accretion of tiny units of knowledge but also by the recognition of broad patterns .
7 I sought to explain to him then and before that we not only need to sort out finance but to get on with distributing the food that they can grow , with the production of the food that they do not grow , and sort out their system of feeding the people .
8 True independence and self-determination come from recognising that we not only have responsibility for ourselves , but also obligations to others .
9 Again , throwing by hand , throwing stick or catapult , is only as accurate as our individual capabilities and means that we not only have to throw accurately , but also cast accurately — and we must do this in both instances every time we retrieve for another cast .
10 The figures would be a shock to MPs and Department of Health officials — who had acknowledged that they not longer keep central statistics on closures — he added .
11 On further investigation of many of the objects themselves , it becomes clear that they not only represent the selection of non-European artefacts by Europeans , but may also themselves be manufactured as objectifications of the relationship between different societies .
12 Novice parachutists who blocked out fear completely up to the moment of the jump were often overcome with an overwhelming and incapacitating anxiety such that they not only did not jump but decided to give up jumping forever .
13 The report noted that they not only provided care for children but enabled teachers to attend to others and also that the aides themselves carried out important educational work under the teacher 's direction .
14 Furthermore , these giant corporations possess such wealth and power that they not only affect our lives , limbs , health , and property from the forceps to the grave , but they also bend the political democratic process in such a way that their interests are often prioritized over those of the electorate , consumers , employees , and shareholders .
15 The new owner may find to their dismay , that they not only have a horse who is a perpetual puller , but one who also refuses to learn to travel more slowly .
16 The basic problem with budgetary reform is that it not only requires administrative reform , but also strong political support .
17 Was the poor relief paid to able-bodied workers over-generous to the extent that it not only created a dependency culture by reducing the incentive to work , but put a premium on early marriage and on childbirth ?
18 This type of help via an intelligent terminal or microcomputer is particularly valuable for the relatively unskilled end-users , in that it not only reduces the time taken to enter and transmit a search , but also allows correction of any typing or strategy errors before going online , thus removing some of the stress commonly associated with online searching .
19 For Napoleon III the defeat was doubly fatal in that it not only revealed France 's weakness but also underlined the extent to which Prussia had now become a major power .
20 It says a great deal for the language faculty of the Polytechnic of Central London that it not only survived having this vociferous cuckoo of a course in its midst but is planning to repeat it .
21 The reason for opting for Mendel 's is that it not only has good experimental backing .
22 The importance of the ley crop , particularly clover , in an arable system in this contest is that it not only provides diversity , but also a better opportunity for wildlife , particularly plants and insects , to complete its annual cycle than do crops which are cleared every year .
23 Some individualists defend their view on the grounds that it not only provides simpler , more detailed and more perspicuous explanations than its rival , but that it is also morally superior to holism .
24 Constance and her mum had laughed , so that he not merely feared but hated them .
25 Griffin kills one of his rejects who he suspects of sending him death threats but such is his oily smoothness that he not only conceals his guilt from lady cop Whoopi Goldberg , but also has the wherewithal to outmaneouvre a pretender to his throne .
26 This was a shrewd move on his part for it meant that he not only had the blessing , and guidance , of the College , but also avoided their censure .
27 Also , the biggest point in his favour was the way he remembered her so well that he not only had not minded admitting it to me , but had been very nice in the process .
28 The Collector remembered that he not only had a file but a fine British one at that .
29 The credits indicate that he not only controlled the sound but also composed and performed the music : this documentary is best regarded as a most personal and impressionistic view of the war .
30 Anyone who has served with him at the Department — and I am talking not just about his present ministerial team — knows that he not only brings a greater degree of expertise to his job than anyone I can remember but does it with great inventiveness in terms of improving benefits and with an exceptional degree of compassion and , above all , integrity .
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