Example sentences of "[that] [pron] [was/were] the first " in BNC.

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1 I think I am right to claim that I was the first to adopt this plan vs Rudi Douven at Charlton in 1983 .
2 For many years I was conscious that I was the first woman in my very large extended family to do this .
3 ‘ When we — I realised right away that I was the first man to …
4 Does my hon. Friend recall that I was the first Minister to have responsibility for small businesses — even before the hon. Member for Bradford , South ( Mr. Cryer ) ?
5 ‘ … one was a female pauper of very advanced age who had laboured for many years under a complication of incurable disorders , and her situation was so desperate as to have precluded her from being received into the House had it not happened that she was the first patient presented .
6 Far less celebrated is the fact that she was the first contemporary British artist to win the international prize for painting at the Venice Biennale in 1968 .
7 Or could it be that you were the first rebel in the household and that Suzie 's only following your example ? ’
8 I admit it freely , and I admit that you were the first to make the diagnosis . ’
9 So when , when you were working at Squires the fact that you were the first woman ?
10 The desire to establish that one was the first to arrive with the finding , and the priority disputes which are part of the scientific game , are testimony to the point .
11 He went on : ‘ Looking back , the fact that we were the first to say Thatcher should go over the Lawson affair meant that we were in the game .
12 In August , 1944 I was flying Mustangs from Grimbergen , through to the Arnhem campaign , and my memories are that we were the first RAF Squadron to be based near Brussels , and only a matter of a few days after our armies had liberated that City .
13 I promised to myself that I would never write an article about having a baby , never ever write that a baby was a celebration and examination of the mystery of our own being , and of course avoid the trap of believing that we were the first and only couple to have a baby .
14 Their ecological dominance and biological success for the past 80 to 100 million years may stem from the fact that they were the first group of predatory social insects that both foraged and lived in the realm of rotting vegetation on the ground .
15 I guess Jim meant that they were the first American string company to invent these strings .
16 They were innovators in that they were the first ones who did n't try to represent the melody as written .
17 Given the lavishness of accommodation provided for white and upper-class passengers on railway systems everywhere , it is ironic that they were the first to desert the railways .
18 The Liberal Democrats write to The Scotsman and say that they were the first to back the consortium .
19 Mr Jack Straw , Labour 's shadow education secretary , said last night that it was the first time in his 10 years in Parliament that responsibility for piloting such an important piece of legislation through committee had been left to such junior departmental politicians .
20 As I opened it , and looked out , I realized that it was the first time I had consciously looked out : before , I had always been hurrying by .
21 Some have maintained that the Liberal Party was being rapidly undermined before the First World War and that its decline was almost inevitable , others , however , assume that it was the First World War which was responsible for the decline of a vapid Liberal Party — the divisions within Liberal ranks creating the political vacuum into which the Labour Party slipped .
22 Some authorities maintained that it was the first time a single drug had been shown to be useful in controlling psychotic patients .
23 John was happier with this work than any of his others , and Myfanwy Piper recorded that it was the first of his own ballets which John seriously believed in .
24 He discovered that Bob was twenty-five , four years his junior , and realised that it was the first time since his brother Joe 's marriage , when they were seventeen and twenty , that he had had a companion of roughly his own age .
25 ‘ Everyone seemed to think Benjamin was a virgin , but I never thought of him as that , but that it was the first time he was making love to a woman who was old enough to be his mother , and who was his mother 's friend . ’
26 A report spread that it was the first step towards establishing a joint all-Ireland police force with the Irish Republic .
27 perhaps the major significance of the Council of Europe rests in the fact that it was the first European organisation with a political flavour .
28 The significance of the BF therefore was to be in its administration and the fact that it was the first British organization to link itself specifically with Mussolini 's new form of politics , in however diluted a form .
29 Art Basel reigns supreme among art fairs for a number of reasons : for the length it has been in existence ; for the fact that it was the first fair to introduce a selection committee ; and because of its timing .
30 The doctor told me that it was the first time she had made an advance to anybody .
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