Example sentences of "[that] [art] [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 In Chase Manhattan Bank NA v Israel-British Bank NA [ 1981 ] Ch 105 , a civil case , it was held that the innocent party to an overpayment retains an equitable right where the overpayment was brought about by a mistake of fact .
2 It was in this community that the closest approximation to a traditional participant observation study was achieved , since the observer had for her entire life been part of the social setting which she was observing .
3 After shareholders voted to reject his 30 pence a share offer to take the company private in December , Alan Sugar has some fence-mending to do : Amstrad insists that the personal communicator to be launched next week is not the kind of blockbuster product that will restore the company 's fortunes on its own , but the unexpected first half profit has caused some to feel that Sugar overdid the gloom .
4 She said that the increased charges to her , and she is totally immobile , except as I understand it from being able to move her head , the increased charges to her would be thirty seven per cent of her total weekly income of eighty pounds .
5 Rumours that the increased duties to be levied on gin were but the beginning of a general excise , an indirect tax that would hurt the poor much more than the better-off , fuelled the crowd 's antipathy towards the government : " If we are Englishmen … let them see that wooden shoes are not so easy to be worn as they imagine .
6 It was in this general context that the Unionist attitude to Marconi was set .
7 Kaplan explains that the primary impetus to his project was the sense that modern interpretations of the Adagietto have strayed from the composer 's intentions with regard to what he calls ‘ the current fashion of treating it as a sombre movement played at a funereal pace . ’
8 This is not to say that older men do not take on the role of ‘ carer ’ , nor that the perceived threat to independence is only an issue for women .
9 It is too strong to say that it has been corrupted — after all , James I dished out so many knighthoods ( 2,600 ) that the Venetian ambassador to London thought the knights ‘ no longer distinguishable from common people ’ — but at best it is dull .
10 For these reasons it is no exaggeration to claim that the increasing drift to training at the expense of education , in adult education as elsewhere , represents a very real threat to a democratic society .
11 The referendum followed the Supreme Court ruling on May 19 that the 1987 elections to the People 's Assembly had been unconstitutional [ see p. 37472 ] .
12 And that the future reports to the committee should consider green implications , including the financial implications of green issues .
13 Calling for a " new nationalism " which would put " America first " , Buchanan warned that the future challenge to the USA lay in western Europe and the Far East .
14 The Board narrowly decided that the environmental benefits to the centre of the village outweighed the disadvantages of a larger car park .
15 In planning our analyses we were concerned to avoid the biases that affected the analyses of the period up to and including 1983 ; it was agreed in advance , at a meeting of a working group of the Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment , that the principal hypothesis to be tested should be that ‘ no excess of leukaemia or other cancer in 0–24 year olds has occurred in the area of the Sellafield plant from 1984 to the present , and that the diagnostic groups , areas , and calendar periods to be analysed should be these set out below . ’
16 He did specify , however , that the principal obstacle to elections was the civil war in the south , and he announced the establishment of a Peace and Development Foundation for the region .
17 I do not intend to comment in detail on the 1992 results of the individual companies except to mention that the principal contributors to this improvement were NBS Services Ltd , and Library Planning Consultants Ltd , RIBA Publications Ltd. held their position , and recorded their usual satisfactory return on sales .
18 Many hoped and believed that Hitler would prove right in his prophecies , and that the decisive blow to the Russian colossus was imminent .
19 It does appear that the Soviet approach to a neutralisation of Southeast Asia has been strongly influenced by Vietnamese proposals and Vietnamese regional policy .
20 Izvestiya reported on Sept. 26 that the Soviet ambassadors to France , the United Kingdom , Yugoslavia , Ireland , Sweden and Guinea-Bissau were to be retired .
21 Yet it is Gften argued that the successful adjustment to a major loss makes the person better able to deal with future losses ( e.g. Caplan , 1964 ) .
22 It seems possible that the extensive exposure to the stimuli experienced by the experimental subjects in the first stage of training might have resulted in a latent inhibition effect that would obscure any other source of transfer .
23 You did say that the Communist Party to state power .
24 The graves lacking amber beads also had smaller numbers of disc brooches , earrings , bracelets and bags , implying that the differential access to amber also extended to other objects .
25 On March 18 a Romanian Foreign Ministry spokesperson said that the Romanian ambassador to Hungary , Simion Pop , had not been called home because of pro-Hungarian feelings , but had simply been retired for health reasons .
26 British Rail tells us that the 5.51 Sheffield to Paddington train is 15 minutes late this evening , but I 've nothing to report so far on the buses .
27 This has been established by first showing that the optimal response to these beliefs is linear in the type and then finding the sequence C t which is a fixed point in the map from beliefs to response .
28 Messengers from Barak Varr brought news that the western approaches to Karaz Eight Peaks were held in strength by the Red Fang Orcs led by Gorfang Rotgut .
29 The UK Government Committee of Enquiry chaired by Lord Chorley ( DoE 1987 ) on the Handling of Geographic Information suggested in recommendation 59 that GIS technology projects be promoted since the report noted that the existing interfaces to GIS systems were poor .
30 The Department of Health and Social Security should be notified immediately of your parent 's admission to hospital so that the appropriate adjustment to his or her State pension or other State benefits or allowances can be made , but the pension book should be retained .
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