Example sentences of "[that] [verb] been [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Any animal that has been sprayed just once will respond immediately and back away fast from a displaying skunk .
2 And here again the temptation was one that has been noted before as an ever-present danger to the private lending libraries : the pressure to sell off a single very valuable asset .
3 The common application programming interface that it and Hewlett-Packard Co worked on with Objectivity Inc , Ontos Inc , Object Design Inc and Versant Object Technology Inc , to allow developers to write programs that could utilise any object database — work that has been turned over to the Object Management Group — is a Spring technology ( UX No 362 ) .
4 As part of a wider plan to restore Naples ' historic centre and bring back into public use an artistic and historical heritage that has been shut up and neglected for too long , the Soprintendenza per i Beni Artistici e Storici in Naples has announced a programme of restoration of twenty-six churches to start on 5 December .
5 It was n't anybody else 's awar it was a T U C award and you can imagine the very issue that has been raised here today are the very aspects that are critically analyzed by the T U C in determined award , but I will take on board the points that have been mentioned .
6 One of the most ideal representatives of the Chaetodonite family for the beginner 's aquarium , and one that has been kept successfully all over the world , is the Threadfin Butterfly ( Chaetodon auriga ) .
7 The Survey describes the gneisses in this zone as : gneiss with cataclasite fabric meaning gneiss that has suffered crushing ; mashed gneiss meaning gneiss that has been severely crushed ; and pseudotachylite — close to the actual plane of the thrust , meaning gneiss that has been crushed so severely it is now a black , flinty , very fine grained or glassy rock .
8 Now with Speed , in the middle of the park , playing are hard tackling role and the 5 man defence that has been played recently then we should be all right .
9 But the main point of going up to it is to look at the Pyrenean Museum that has been created inside .
10 In 1948 , Francis Rogallo and his wife Gertrude were granted their patent for the flexible kite that has been credited so often as the origin of the ‘ modern ’ species .
11 Neil Kinnock said last night that the rise in interest rates was ‘ a shattering blow both to households right across Britain and also to industries , and it 's even worse because it 's a blow that has been gathering ever since the first day that this Government decided its one and only economic policy would be a reliance on interest rates ’ .
12 This was probably due to the stimulation of mucosal defence mechanisms and to the increase in mucosal blood flow that has been recognised previously and attributed recently to the formation of nitric oxide , a potent locally acting vasorelaxing factor .
13 So they are saying please , erm , could you recognize the erm , the tremendous effort that has been made locally , er , and that erm , and recognize the , the value that this resource provides for the future of that community by er , assisting us to complete the project .
14 I endorse what the right hon. Gentleman said about the progress that has been made so far .
15 But it is a complaint that has been made before .
16 ‘ WHEN I knelt at the spot where Donald died I felt a knot that has been tied up inside me for three years slowly unravel .
17 Marginal plants , as their name implies , grow in the shallow water at the pool 's edge and can either be grown in planting baskets , like waterlilies , or in soil that has been placed directly on the marginal shelf .
18 Whatever one may think of the effectiveness of the Valleys Initiative , it has the powerful appeal of historic social justice , since it offers the people of these areas a taste of the quality of life that has been achieved elsewhere through the profits of our industrial past .
19 The analysis of patterns of class based inequality that has been presented so far clearly indicates the existence of people who experience considerably disadvantaged life chances , those for example who are found among the lowest 20 per cent of income earners .
20 Thus , the richer States of the north and west should be more generous than their poorer contemporaries of the South , a conclusion that has been sustained empirically , e.g. Magull ( 1978 ) , Fenton and Chamberlayne ( 1969 ) .
21 While there is no official price , $400,000 is a ball-park figure that has been bandied about .
22 Keegan is demanding nothing like the £4,000 a week figure that has been bandied about .
23 Er for example erm any service that has been transferred in from another scheme .
24 The furniture , scanty as it is , would n't fill the back of an Okie pick-up fleeing the dustbowl in The Grapes of Wrath : a stained wooden table , a couple of shelves and half a dozen kitchen chairs , an armchair with the padding leaking out of it , and an old car seat that has been dragged in , probably some years ago , to serve in place of a settee .
25 Fill a paper piping bag with royal icing that has been thinned slightly .
26 And then she said : ‘ Mebbe he 's one of that gang that has been holding up grocery stores . ’
27 The waterfall is a part of the enormously extensive and complicated subterranean water system that has been traced now through this limestone mass if and which links up with the astonishingly deep fissures or gouffres that the speleologists have explored in the mountains to the east .
28 It certainly is everything that has been fended off by the ego , so to that extent it , it corresponds more closely to erm to the unconscious .
29 A detachment represents a body of troops that has been split off from the rest of their regiment and armed as small , independent units whose role is to operate within sight of their regiment .
30 I accept everything that has been said so far , but is it really necessary for the persons in question to be the subject of media coverage ?
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