Example sentences of "[that] [noun] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His wife Kathy , who organised the walk , admits that Ian goes to hell and back on the walks .
2 It 's true that this was not the only experience of ridicule that Ian faced in childhood .
3 And yet it is a paradox of the period that change came into country life as often as not through the women .
4 Then she remembered that her therapist had said something about that , had said that it was not for Camille that Scarlet grieved in expectation but for herself and her own pain , implying by her tone that it was really most foolish .
5 Th there is erm a study going on to do with something called the British National Corpus which I do n't quite know what that 's about but they they want er samples of the sort of things that lecturers do in lecture theatres .
6 On the other hand , he points out that Devlin had in fact answered the question in the affirmative , and had justified this response by suggesting that , just as society can take steps to preserve itself against acts of treason , then so it may protect itself from attacks on established morality , for this too can threaten society 's existence .
7 If Parliament had meant to say that any distribution or publication should suffice , it could very easily have said so ; the courts are bound to make sense of the words that Parliament has in fact used .
8 They are a reminder that faith speaks of life that is unbroken by death .
9 Looking after three young children , being involved in various groups as well as doing part-time evening work means that Faith depends on food that 's quick and convenient to prepare .
10 The exception is , of course , in the pronouncement that shareholders have in effect surrendered their power to professional management , a pronouncement which does not so much face the central question of the rights of ownership as to try to pass it by .
11 The view has been expressed in some quarters that experience gained in implementation of the First Directive would be very valuable in carrying out detailed work on the Second .
12 If they did lose sight of the coast , they would watch out for birds and clouds because they knew that birds flew near land and that clouds formed over land .
13 But the " bottom line " is that excesses lead to illness .
14 Were these the woods , I wondered , that Kingsley had in mind when he wrote of Tom 's escape from Ellie 's little white bedroom ?
15 These time-budget studies , as they are known , reveal that the amount of time that housewives spend on housework has not significantly changed for several decades .
16 Another cliché that persists is that chefs work in contract catering only to avoid long hours and the tough competition of hotel and restaurant kitchens .
17 George Khoury and his colleagues , who recently announced in Science that mutations associated with cancer were to be found in the normal cells of a patient — and were thus probably inherited — turn out to have spoken too soon .
18 In doing so , they would highlight the various roles that money plays in society : a medium of exchange or of speculation , a store of value , and so on .
19 They failed to see that money came from success , not the other way round — Chelsea , for instance , had also paid large sums for players without creating a championship team — and that the vital factor was the genius of the manager in charge for getting the most out of his players , whatever they cost , and for buying the right man .
20 Earlier the judge , after referring to the rule that money paid under mistake of law is irrecoverable had said , at p. 745 :
21 In doing so , Bourdieu continues , Lévi-Strauss skates over the ‘ temporal nature ’ and cycle of reciprocity involved in symbolic exchanges and the hard empirical reality of symbolic power that creditor exercises over debtor .
22 I am aware — and so are local social workers — of at least one large housing estate in a provincial town where incest is thought to be the norm rather than the exception even today ; and such is the difficulty of its location and proof that cases coming to light are probably only the tip of an iceberg .
23 The first of these accounts actually requires the additional assumption that associability declines during pre-exposure .
24 But parliament is far away , and the border of Wales is very near , and is there a soul in these parts who does not know that smuggling goes on day by day , and that life here would be impossible if it did not ?
25 Zak cursed and said that Pierre had in fact been going to knock Raoul to the ground at a slightly later rime , and now that would have to be changed .
26 Many of the characters considered had been shown by other workers to be of selective importance in white clover or another species of Trifolium ( e.g. Cahn & Harper ( 1976b ) had presented evidence suggesting that sheep selected between leaf marks ; Dirzo & Harper ( 1982a ) and others have shown that slugs select between cyanogenic and acyanogenic forms ; Black ( 1960 ) had shown the selective value of long petioles ) .
27 In a separate report , due for release in December , the UNDP estimated that income lost from death due to AIDS ranged from US$10,000 per case in India to over US$240,000 per case in South Korea .
28 She wished that Fernando had in fact made fiery , passionate and glorious love to her on that blanket , because at least her body would have been sated and that would have been something at the very least .
29 It is a striking coincidence that in the same year that Aethelbald came to power among the Mercians , the assassination of Osred , son of Aldfrith , in Northumbria and the accession there of Coenred also broke the entrenched power of the family of Aethelfrith which had dominated the kingship of the northern Angles for more than seventy years ( see below , pp. 47 ff . ) .
30 The group suggests that assays based on polymerase chain amplification of highly specific DNA sequences from these insertional elements , and recombinant and synthetic peptides from their predicted proteins , will revolutionise the detection and characterisation of these agents .
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