Example sentences of "[not/n't] seen [prep] [adj] years " in BNC.

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1 Mr. Major said that the inflation figure was remarkable in a way not seen for many years .
2 In Tokyo , the Nikkei share index continued its nosedive into depths not seen for five years , despite government efforts to stimulate the slowing economy and the maudlin market .
3 In this new atmosphere the legislature displayed a determination to defend itself against executive encroachment , not seen for some years .
4 GORDON Turner has launched a search for the pal he has not seen for forty years .
5 Some parts of the house he had not seen for twenty years .
6 Holden 's story contains no suspense , while Lucy 's grips the reader totally ; for example she ‘ forgets ’ to inform the reader for six chapters that ‘ Dr. John ’ is in fact her cousin whom she has not seen for ten years !
7 The one she had n't seen for twelve years , had been ranting about , who never raised a finger to help and left it all to Nancy ?
8 That we would wait for our mother to come home from work with ‘ Lucky Packets ’ full of sherbet , that most of our childhood had been outdoors and here we were inside , with our dad home again , our dad who we had n't seen for four years , here we were having crossed the equator with nine suitcases , where flying fish leapt from the sea , to be in this place .
9 There 's only Mary and the sisters you have n't seen for ten years , if you can count them .
10 RETIRED Gordon Turner has launched a search for the best pal he has n't seen in 40 years .
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