Example sentences of "[not/n't] always [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Even the simplest , most basic requirement we make of translation can not be met without difficulty : one can not always match the content of a message in language A by an expression with exactly the same content in language B , because what can be expressed and what must be expressed is a property of a specific language in much the same way as how it can be expressed .
2 That accounting systems can be counter-productive for example the maximization of a division 's profit may not always ensure the maximization of enterprise profit .
3 Some countries now list only the less toxic pesticides , but official recommendations have not always stopped the marketing of more hazardous products .
4 In the same way , we can point to every single course _there have been people who are highly qualified , excellent youngsters — and that is where I fear that the universities are not always given the opportunity to get these talented children in the numbers that I think they deserve .
5 Yet if his ideas and perceptions did not always reach the page , they undoubtedly entered the minds and imaginations of the many lucky enough to converse with him .
6 The bare infinitive , in contrast , represents its event as an object of co-operation between the helper and the helpee : even though this close co-operation does not always involve the helper actually doing part of the helpee 's activity for him it seems to imply a view of the helper as instrumental in the realization of the infinitive 's event .
7 However , publication of the information will not always bring the obligation to an end .
8 A standard paragraph may not always reflect the tone required to deal with a particular enquiry ; it may not be quite appropriate to particular circumstances and it may not feel right to the recipient .
9 From these conflicting interests emerged representation that did not always reflect the majority interest .
10 Be warned ; legal cases do not always go the householder 's way , so put away the shotgun and do not get angry when people drop litter on your front lawn .
11 This is a good system for some educational purposes — for example the provision of inserts to lectures — but it does not always give the user the control of the machine which makes video such an effective tool in language teaching .
12 do not always give the job to the best of a bad bunch , but investigate where the recruiting methods and job specification may have gone wrong and start again ;
13 It is generally accepted that most colorectal carcinomas arise from adenomatous tissue , which usually but not always assumes the form of polyps .
14 If there are structural weaknesses in the German constitution and German political life , they perhaps lie halfway between these two remarks , namely that there is an excessive domination of the parties in the political process who fail to bring political discussion sufficiently into the open and consequently do not always offer the electorate a real choice .
15 They may not always exhibit the wisdom of Solomon but at least they might know where to draw the line .
16 Visitors to the resorts on the Dalmatian coast do not always realise the poverty and backwardness which lie over the mountains only a few kilometres away from the bright lights of Split , Zadar and Šibenik .
17 The fact that it was later more generally recognized is in part due to the attention which Roth 's scholarly and semi-popular writings attracted ; and the circumstances that his findings have not always survived the scrutiny of able younger scholars itself attests his own success in helping to put Jewish history on the academic map .
18 People do not always observe the principle , of course , but where a speaker flouts it , the hearer will suspect she has a reason .
19 A new rubber ‘ O ’ ring does not always cure the leak .
20 The various urban development corporations , for example , are recognizably different in their modes of operation and have not always followed the line favoured by central government .
21 It is a fact of human personality that the argument which is supported by the greater weight of evidence does not always win the day ; people do not like to be proved wrong .
22 It is sometimes possible to answer a question literally in a couple of sentences , but this will not always impress the examiner .
23 As small children we may not always get the understanding we need from our parents .
24 Garrick joined , and Adam Smith , thereby ensuring that Johnson did not always have the discourse his own way .
25 Recreational players often play in less than ideal conditions and do not always have the time or money available to spend on their rackets .
26 The head does not always have the time to ponder the price of those personal and professional adjustments which have to be made in the regular course of management .
27 Since I shall not always have the courage
28 The visitors ' committee did not always support the workhouse master .
29 When pressed , Marsden concedes that previously ICI had not always supplied the farmer with what he wanted , rather that he was sold those items the Company technologists had produced .
30 The emergence of a new concept does not always indicate the formulation of a new idea .
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