Example sentences of "[not/n't] like [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A harvest which removes the cobs but leaves the dead plants standing is not like a harvest at all .
2 He looked servile , Albert said happily to himself — not like a man of command passing on old clothes at all ; more like a foot-man waiting for an end of his master 's good-byes .
3 I live circumscribed and self-communing — 't is best so — not like a Princess in a thicket , by no means , but more like a very fat and self-satisfied Spider in the centre of her shining Web , if you will forgive me the slightly disagreeable Analogy .
4 Residents should have their own rooms and access to bathroom and WC facilities , preferably of their own , or shared with no more than one or two others ; tenants sharing a house are not like a family of adults and children in an ordinary house where intimacy allows much more comfortable sharing of facilities
5 He looks not like a peasant from Saratov , but a Civil Servant Grade 5 who has just got off the train from Greenwich .
6 Here , among ‘ Prayer wheels , worship of the dead , denial of this world , affirmation of rites with forgotten meanings ’ , some of the stuff of Eliot 's earlier poetry and his anthropological researches , there comes a visionary instant of incarnation forming a link between God and man and , in Eliot 's own poetry , between Ash-Wednesday and Four Quartets : ‘ A moment not out of time , but in time , in what we call history ; transecting , bisecting the world of time , a moment in time but not like a moment of time . ’
7 Try to walk into the room with good posture , though not like a guardsman on parade .
8 Modern society , it may be argued , is not like a set of neatly intermeshing and well-oiled cogs , but rather a game in which groups of players have considerable discretion so long as they keep within a set of rules which are often themselves rather loosely defined or at least open to negotiation and change .
9 The promoters tell us that it 's not like a book in which someone is telling you something .
10 The way he gained ‘ the word that sustains the weary ’ was not like a bolt from the blue , but through patiently listening to God morning by morning .
11 It 's not like a length of time , it 's just different .
12 Typically , field scientists spend two or three years studying why the range in eastern Montana is not like the range in western Montana , and explaining to Washington why it should be managed differently — only to be told by bureaucrats that all rangeland planning must be the same everywhere .
13 It 's not like the problem with lead .
14 ‘ She was a beautiful child , too , and tall — not like the rest of us .
15 Not like the rest of us .
16 The first thing is erm those of you that know this area will know that it 's er not like the rest of Hampshire er leaving aside Southampton .
17 Being enchanted , its floor was not like the floor of the Forest , gorse and bracken and heather , but close-set grass , quiet and smooth and green .
18 ‘ It 's not like the end of the world .
19 Not like the curé of Ars .
20 The politics of the Middle East , in other words , is not like the politics of other places .
21 ‘ I 'm not saying he 's raving mad , ’ she said , ‘ but he is n't like the rest of us . ’
22 ‘ Oh , yes , I 've realised since that you were n't like the rest of us ordinary human beings who are unfortunate enough to be troubled by feelings like grief and guilt . ’
23 It 's like off-Broadway in America , but it is n't like the difference between the West End and fringe — it 's one step up from that .
24 Feelings ran high but it was n't like the drama of last year when the government were forced into a humiliating review of their pit closure programme .
25 But it was n't like the Store in one important way , Masklin realized .
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