Example sentences of "[not/n't] only has [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The international system not only has a major division between communist and capitalist states but also deeper cultural divisions between what are usually termed the First and Third worlds .
2 A screen , on the other hand , not only has a specific function , but is also an integral part of the overall design , and will therefore be looked at in quite a different way .
3 The present studies show that the migrating motor complex not only has a lower oesophageal sphincter component , but also an oesophageal body component .
4 During the process of learning the student is working to achieve something ; knowledge of how close her performance is approximating to the desired goal not only has a motivating effect , but if given in sufficient detail provides information which enables her to adjust her learning nearer to the goal .
5 In a way it is even more predictable , for it not only has a standardized melodic/lyric structure ( first phrase : four bars ; second phrase : four bars , more or less repeating the first ; third phrase : four bars , contrasting or complementary ) but also a schematic sequence of ( highly ‘ primitive ’ ) chords :
6 Warwick Collins points out that the keel design not only has a distinct draught advantage over a fin keel , but also claims that it helps to damp any pitching motion in a seaway .
7 The Gyle project not only has a permanent site safety supervisor , Stewart Adam , but also receives regular visits from a regional health and safety advisor .
8 But guar bread , newly created by British food chemists , not only has a high fibre content but actually has 25 per cent fewer calories per ounce .
9 The faith not only has an experiential reality , it has dynamic consequences as well .
10 However , the numbers of divorces could be slightly misleading in that , not only has the general population risen in numbers , but marriage itself is more popular , as we saw earlier in this chapter .
11 ‘ The Marriott not only has the best service in town , but the best business facilities as well , ’ commented Travel Agent Magazine .
12 Not only has the Labour party not realised that GCSE results at 16 in Labour-controlled authorities are some of the worst , but it has learnt nothing — it still opposes standardised testing from the age of seven .
13 Not only has the right hon. Gentleman made an idiot of himself by that intervention , but he has achieved the interesting feat of misquoting himself .
14 Not only has the essential large vacuum cell been reduced to a small glass cell , but Wieman has also been able to replace gas lasers with solid state devices .
15 Not only has the whole financial environment within which the institution has to work altered radically , but also the types of course offered have changed greatly in overall character .
16 Does my right hon. Friend agree that not only has the Conservative party demonstrated that it is willing to spend a greater proportion of gross national product , but , by continuing to expand our economy , we have surpassed the Labour party bid at the 1987 election — when it said that it would increase spending on the national health service by 3 per cent .
17 Not only has the popular daily press , represented by the Daily Mirror and the Sun , shown a rapidly increasing interest in printing rape cases , but so has the ‘ quality paper ’ , The Times .
18 Not only has the arid nature of the land inspired successive rulers to create the most exquisite and luxuriant ornamental gardens in their palaces and towns ; it has also spurred generations of textile artists to compensate for the harshness of their environment by weaving emblems of foliate abundance into their rugs .
19 Not only has the British government and its agencies borrowed less in recent years than other European governments , it is also the case that , until recently , the private bond market was narrow .
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