Example sentences of "[not/n't] only on a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 By doing so , we can see how women carers can , and do , experience disproportionate reductions in their incomes and living standards ; absorb extra care-related expenses through restricting their own personal expenditure ; and experience increased financial dependency , not only on a male partner but also on the person they are caring for .
2 Industrial location depends not only on a good water supply or plentiful , cheap , raw materials , but also on capital , surplus wealth , and , perhaps above all , someone to start the activity — entrepreneurial spirit .
3 However , the threat of importation of the disease has returned , not only on a small scale relating to violation of quarantine regulations by dog owners but because the rabies virus has been spread throughout Europe into France ( UK 's nearest continental neighbour ) by the red fox and concern is rising too about rabies-infected bats in Europe .
4 The bringing together of workers was therefore not only on a larger scale but also more continuous than at other oil industry sites , including the isolated platform construction yards at Kishorn , Nigg , and Ardeseir in Highland Region , where many workers travelled from home daily or at least went home at weekends .
5 This concept sprang from the resemblances between European specimens such as Petralona and African crania such as Broken Hill , but it depended not only on a clear demarcation of the specimens such as Petralona and African crania such as Broken Hill , but it depended not only on a clear demarcation of the specimens from H. erectus and modern H. sapiens ( still very defensible ) , but also on a demarcation from the Neanderthals .
6 This concept sprang from the resemblances between European specimens such as Petralona and African crania such as Broken Hill , but it depended not only on a clear demarcation of the specimens such as Petralona and African crania such as Broken Hill , but it depended not only on a clear demarcation of the specimens from H. erectus and modern H. sapiens ( still very defensible ) , but also on a demarcation from the Neanderthals .
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