Example sentences of "[not/n't] only for [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the west of Scotland , CCG have been selected by the CPC Social Club in Paisley , not only for a bar and food service with entertainment for 420 members , but also for ground maintenance including their bowling greens and tennis courts .
2 Given the number of curriculum tasks which the school needed to address and the limited resources available to make a response with , the case had to be made not only for a partnership itself , but also for the prioritisation of this task over other needs which had been identified .
3 In order therefore to ensure that the investors qualify not only for a deduction of premium , but also to receive the proceeds of any claim under the policy , there must be a provision obliging Newco to pay the proceeds of any claim by way of dividend .
4 The time was in fact ripe , not only for a secession from religion ( which , after all , had never given parents anything very tangible ) , but for a transfer of allegiance from the other traditional reference groups of parents : away from the methods prescribed by folklore , custom and the baby 's grandmother , and towards the new blessings held out by scientific mothercraft .
5 It called not only for an investigation of the sentencing powers and practice of the criminal courts , but of the sentencing process itself .
6 A For a start your aquarium water is much too alkaline not only for an Amazon aquarium but also to keep Discus in .
7 With Labour welfarism out of fashion , and neo-liberalism in vogue , the scene was set , not only for the downgrading of local authority power ( including the outright abolition of the Greater London Council and the metropolitan authorities which , though actually limited in their spending power , were nevertheless the coordinators and vocal champions of many inner urban schemes ) , but also for the injection of national party dogma into the management of local affairs .
8 Output at this level is optimal not only for the firm , but also for society , because the type and quantity of goods produced will match the demand for them , at least in so far as demand is represented by the willingness and ability of the consumer to pay .
9 Whatever the causes of construction delays , they were to remain a persistent and seemingly insoluble problem , not only for the electricity supply industry but for a wide range of other British industries embarking on such large capital projects for decades thereafter .
10 ‘ It was , of course , 44 hard-working days , not only for the army , but also for the transmigrants who got involved , ’ Soeriaatmadja later told me .
11 Integration is still very much in its infancy and working examples of its practice need to be documented , not only for the school 's own evaluation purposes , but also to provide discussion documents to encourage other schools to take a careful and considered look at their own provision .
12 If consent is required pursuant to the lease not only for the assignment of that lease but for sharing occupation or parting with possession of the property , the vendor who allows the purchaser into occupation pending consent to the assignment will breach the provisions of the lease .
13 Australia is notable not only for the size of its rise and fall in deaths from chronic disease and injury but also for the strength of its institutional revolution in public health .
14 Equally , money has to be found not only for the payment of church musicians , but also for the composers and publishers upon whom church musicians depend .
15 Andy Swapp , manager of Blackwells ' Art & Poster Shop , argues that non-book paper products are not to be sniffed at , and explains why booksellers should consider stocking diaries , calendars and cards not only for the contribution they can make to profitability but also for the dramatic way in which they support and enhance book displays and promotions
16 Then with energy to spare you proceeded to participate in the ‘ Measured Medau Mile ’ to raise funds not only for the Society but also , through the British Kidney Patient Association , for a Children 's Renal Unit at Guy 's Hospital .
17 The it must be part and only a part of an integrated transport system , not only for the South East but the Country as a whole .
18 Funded by the Museums and Galleries Improvement Fund , the Henry Moore Foundation and the North West Museums Service , the extension will mean , says the director , Mary Gavagan ‘ that an important fine art collection will now be on display not only for the university population but also for the general public ’ , even those with mobility problems for whom ramps and chairlifts will give access to the works of among others Chillida , Derain , Miro , Max Ernst and Terry Frost .
19 Although we have some excellent training establishments onshore , there may be a gap in the market , not only for the North sea , but internationally , for training that mimics offshore conditions on semi-submersibles .
20 As to 2 , they held in effect that the occupier from whose land these things escaped and did damage is liable not only for the default of his servant , but also for that of an independent contractor and ( as later decisions show ) for that of anyone except a stranger .
21 Hand-painted in ten different colourways to match the china , the tiles are proving popular not only for the floor and fireplace surrounds , but for brightening up the area around kitchen Agas .
22 Learners can evaluate a film not only for the content , but also for the teaching method .
23 All of the preceding discussion and recommendations have implications not only for the content of Primary Language courses but also for their organisation .
24 That rarity , an album without a filler — admire every aspect as Owens finger-flicks his way through the Stax-happy , gospel croons on a couple of things Sam Cooke would have loved to wrap his larynx around , and opts for the more brooding approach on the let's do crunch of ‘ Why You Treat Me This Way ? ’ — ‘ Blues Soul ’ is remarkable not only for the performance of its outfront star , but also for that of the Pete Wingfield-led back-up squad , which nary places a quaver in the wrong place , along with Mike Vernon 's knowing production .
25 Elean : Miriam Tlali , I wish you all the best , not only for the rest of your stay here in London , but in Soweto itself , in that very difficult situation .
26 " This Meeting , with every feeling of humanity for the distressed Sufferers , who have the misfortune to be shipwrecked on the coast of this Island , have to regret that numbers of the Country prople , shaking off all fear of God , or regard to the laws , are in the constant practice against every rule of Christian charity , or hospitality , of resorting in numbers to the shores , where strangers have the Misfortune of being shipwrecked , and that for the sole purpose of plunder ; which practice this Meeting hold in the greatest abhorrence , and now declare their disapprobation of ; and in order , as much as possible , to remedy this evil , this Meeting not only collectively , but individually , pledge themselves to use their utmost exertions , not only for the preservation of the property of the individuals , who may have the Misfortune to be wrecked on these coasts , but also for bringing to condign punishment all and every such persons as may be found plundering from wrecks : "
27 It seemed that the Suez crisis marked a point of no return , not only for the country , but also for Richard and me .
28 I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman not only for the sympathy he expressed to the families of those killed and injured , but for his support for the courageous efforts of the security forces .
29 In order to maintain health , both personal and public , much energy has to be directed at maintaining an external environment which is as safe as possible , not only for the present but for future generations to inherit .
30 In India , fixed-price shops exist not only for the benefit of travellers ; locals use them as well .
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