Example sentences of "[not/n't] only to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It refers not only to a present which is constantly breaking down to form reveal the fragments of the past , but a view of our surroundings which may seem whole and contiguous , but which in fact is forever splintering and reshaping itself as our minds piece together the fragments that our eyes actually perceive .
2 We shall end with a brief survey of the fragmented current scene and a pointed reminder that International Relations is heir not only to a tradition of scientific explanation but also to one of historical understanding .
3 The fusion of culture and entertainment that is taking place today leads not only to a depravation of culture , but inevitably to an intellectualization of amusement .
4 That applies not only to a decision but to appearing under an appellate process .
5 Another change has been extensive draining of moorland ( Stewart and Lance , 1983 ) and this allied to increased sheep numbers and other factors ( Anderson and Yalden , 1981 ) has led not only to a decrease in moorland vegetation but to a reduction in wildlife , notably grouse .
6 Once , the oral tradition ensured that knowledge went not only to the brain but to the heart , to become the synthesis from within .
7 This led not only to the aggravation of unemployment problems but also to the lowering of labour force participation rates through earlier retirement and fewer married women returning to work after child-rearing — a phenomenon which , not surprisingly , was particularly marked in northern cities and industrial towns .
8 Moreover , this raises other questions about Cnut 's predecessors , questions without definite answers , but worth air-ing nonetheless , because relevant not only to the issue of how Swegen conquered England but also that of whether Cnut was already familiar with administrative institutions of an English type when he became its king .
9 That application form put him on the ladder , not only to the top of the Japanese profession , but to international recognition — on 1 January this year he took over the chairmanship of the International Accounting Standards Committee .
10 To do so was to court death and to surrender , not only to the hurricane , but to surrender a nation , however small , into the hands of killers .
11 Moreover , in determining what is extraordinary or unreasonable the courts can have regard not only to the interests of the defendant but to the public interest as well .
12 Richard Branson agreed to advance £200,000 to complete The Great Rock ‘ n ’ Roll Swindle — but on the basis that Virgin had rights not only to the film but also to recoup the money from the group 's record royalties .
13 The two conditions implied by section 14 extend , not only to the goods actually bought , but also to goods ‘ supplied under ’ the contract , e.g. a returnable bottle , Geddling v. Marsh ( 1920 K.B. ) .
14 From now on , the message would go to everyone and not only to the synagogues .
15 ‘ A lot of the credit for that goes not only to the photographers themselves who have argued their case for greater prominence , but a great debt is owed to people like the editor Harold Evans who pioneered the creative use of photography in papers .
16 The governing process refers not only to the activities of Cabinet , Parliament , nationally and locally elected representatives but also includes those of the large public bureaucracies of civil servants , the police , the army , the courts and so on .
17 Ample car parking space provides excellent provision not only to the station , but to the working signal box , refreshment room and souvenir shop , plus the locomotive shed .
18 In such an event the guarantor should give covenants not only to the landlord but also to the tenant .
19 It is important to emphasize that the discussion thus far has been developed , and the above conclusions have been reached , within the framework of the traditional account , which rests upon certain crucial assumptions common not only to the writers connected with the traditional account but to certain others not connected with the tradition as well .
20 This may be distressing not only to the child and his or her parents but also to the unit staff who have got to know the pupil well .
21 This type of welfare can have immense benefit not only to the child but to the family as a whole .
22 Is he aware that is contrary to indications given by his civil servants , not only to the company but to the county council and to the Welsh Development Agency ?
23 When asked how the tree came about she said ‘ Well , it 's just like God to make something useful out of what we think is rubbish ’ — a comment which referred not only to the fruit but also to her own convict origins .
24 Many have complex option features , related not only to the share price — as with warrants and convertibles — but possibly to interest rates and/or foreign exchange rates if the instrument includes issuer call or investor put features .
25 The covenants by the tenant relate not only to the payment of rent , but also to repair , insurance and user of the premises .
26 But such examinations must be adapted not only to the past ( what the candidate has actually learned at school ) but to the future ( what he will have to learn , understand , and be able to do next ) .
27 At the same time President Bush took the unusual step of sending a message of condolence not only to the families of the seven labourers killed at Rishon Le Zion , but also to the families of those killed in the rioting afterwards .
28 Donations totalling over £5,000 have been made , not only to the Huddersfield Infirmary , but to institutions such as Bradford 's Eye and Ear Hospital , the Huddersfield Deaf and Dumb Institute , and the Holmfirth Nursing Association .
29 Jimmy Knapp , general secretary of the biggest rail union , the Railway , Maritime and Transport Workers ' Union , said that if BR lost the contract it would be a ‘ devastating blow not only to the railways but also for the environment ’ .
30 This accommodation , named " Hudson Flats " , bears witness not only to the enthusiasm with which the late Jimmy Hudson and his wife Mary worked for the provision of annual " Old Folks ' Holidays " , but also to the sum of £72,000 which they raised themselves towards the purchase of this property .
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