Example sentences of "[not/n't] only have [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They ran from St. Mark 's Church to Wilton , were open tops and the poor drivers not only had no real cabs but also had to share their outside bench seats with passengers at busy times .
2 In Leeds , Newton Park Union Church not only had a seventy-foot tower but a clock which Leeds Corporation agreed to illuminate at night .
3 Not only had a 30-minute journey taken one hour , but according to him , we 'd been brought back to where we started !
4 Not only had a large section of the population been enfranchised , it was a notably different electorate from that which had existed previously .
5 Not only had the various guerrilla movements cut all land means of communication ; the staff of the paper , including the reporters , had left to join one side or another in the hills .
6 By the early 1970s not only had the general inflationary climate changed for the worse , but at the same time the Bretton Woods arrangements were breaking down .
7 Mr McLeish said the figures showed that not only had the constant bleeding-away of Scottish jobs continued unabated , it was accelerating at an even more alarming rate .
8 We were told that not only had the Argentinian fleet continued on their route to the Falklands but there was now every reason to believe that Argentinian troops had landed .
9 But after she had finished the first part of her lecture ; after slightly nodding her head to the generous applause ; after the lights had gone up again ; after Ashenden had said ( as every chairman since Creation had said ) how much everyone had enjoyed the talk and how grateful everyone was that not only had the distinguished speaker fascinated each and every one of them but also had agreed to answer any questions which he was absolutely sure everyone in the room was aching to put to such a distinguished expert in the field … it was only then that Dr Moule was able to survey the two intruders .
10 ‘ That 's friendly ! ’ he shouted over the engine noise , and he pointed through the windscreen at the concrete airstrip which not only had the yellow cross painted huge at its western end , but also had two trucks parked in its centre line , thus making it impossible for any plane to land .
11 A distinguishing feature of Company Programmes is the team of client directors who not only have a wide experience in industry but represent the main functions of the business .
12 Contemplative life belongs to those who not only have a keen awareness that life in the world hangs by a thread , but a sense that their own identity and reality does not inhere fundamentally in physical things .
13 Further , the transitive verbs watch , follow , and ( more particularly ) elbow are used intransitively , so that these rather threatening actions not only have a disembodied source , but can be interpreted as having either Titus or his whole surroundings as their target .
14 There is varied evidence that suggests that major geographical moves , either between or within countries , not only have a disruptive effect on people 's lives , but may produce lasting changes .
15 With the change of the international trends , not only have the gloomy prospects of the Korean people become bright , but also General Hodge 's policy to South Korea will be changed in accordance with the policy of his country .
16 England and Wales not only have the highest crime rates in Europe — they also have the fastest rates of increase .
17 Since 1974 not only have the absolute numbers being sent to prison increased but the courts have become more punitive in the sense that they are sending a higher proportion of those convicted to prison .
18 Not only have the total numbers and percentage of the population increased , but within this group the economically disadvantaged figure prominently .
19 Not only have the elderly people enjoyed the challenge and the attention but their physical strength has improved considerably .
20 Edwina Currie and Simon Hughes not only have the same face , voice and mannerisms — they are in fact the same person : creations of a con- and drag-artist who dreamed up the idea to draw two salaries , and now wishes he had n't .
21 Not only have the basic building blocks of the computer become smaller and cheaper , and hence more readily available to a greater number of people , the language of the computer has become much more accessible to the lay person .
22 The international system not only has a major division between communist and capitalist states but also deeper cultural divisions between what are usually termed the First and Third worlds .
23 A screen , on the other hand , not only has a specific function , but is also an integral part of the overall design , and will therefore be looked at in quite a different way .
24 The present studies show that the migrating motor complex not only has a lower oesophageal sphincter component , but also an oesophageal body component .
25 During the process of learning the student is working to achieve something ; knowledge of how close her performance is approximating to the desired goal not only has a motivating effect , but if given in sufficient detail provides information which enables her to adjust her learning nearer to the goal .
26 In a way it is even more predictable , for it not only has a standardized melodic/lyric structure ( first phrase : four bars ; second phrase : four bars , more or less repeating the first ; third phrase : four bars , contrasting or complementary ) but also a schematic sequence of ( highly ‘ primitive ’ ) chords :
27 Warwick Collins points out that the keel design not only has a distinct draught advantage over a fin keel , but also claims that it helps to damp any pitching motion in a seaway .
28 The Gyle project not only has a permanent site safety supervisor , Stewart Adam , but also receives regular visits from a regional health and safety advisor .
29 But guar bread , newly created by British food chemists , not only has a high fibre content but actually has 25 per cent fewer calories per ounce .
30 The faith not only has an experiential reality , it has dynamic consequences as well .
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