Example sentences of "[not/n't] only [vb pp] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 The clash in underlying values between Britain and the United States on the one hand and the former Soviet Union on the other , is illustrated by the fact that an act of financial speculation — which has not only led to the accumulation of great wealth but has also occasionally received public honour in Britain and the United States — might have earned the perpetrator the death sentence in the Soviet Union .
2 Restoration here has not only led to the repair of townscape , it has also created jobs for skilled craftsmen ( conservation creates more employment per pound than new build ) , and led to much needed housing for homeless and disadvantaged people .
3 Situational stress , however , is not only related to the actions or behaviour of the person being cared for .
4 First , that early prognosis after the first variceal haemorrhage is not only related to the residual liver function but also to the requirement in transfusions within the 72 hours after the admission .
5 The name comes from the old Norse word meaning ‘ to gush ’ and was not only given to the township nearby , but got into the English language as a descriptive name for any jet of water .
6 A good headteacher ( and chair of governors ) in this conception is a person ( usually a man ) who is not only committed to the above ideals but can also see ways of circumventing any constraints upon this style placed by ‘ outside interference ’ such as the advice of the LEA and/or the teacher unions/staff representatives .
7 Whereas it hath been represented to us , upon the oaths of several of our trusty and well-beloved booksellers , that certain journeyman taylors , shoemakers , barbers , Spitaldfields-weavers [ sic ] , and other handicraftsmen , and that certain apprentices , shopmen , &c. have assembled in certain clubs , called Spouting-clubs , and , having there intoxicated themselves with porter and poetry , have presumed to make rhymes , and discharge them on the Public , under the title of ‘ Squires and Honourables , &c. &c. to the great annoyance of said Public , and of us , the said Reviewers ; WE do hereby ordain and decree that … [ everyone ] so offending in future , shall , for every such first offence , be chained to the compter , for a space , not exceeding twelve , nor less than six days ; and … for every such second offence , be not only chained to the compter for the said space of time ( more or less ) but be obliged to wear bob-wigs , and flapped hats without girdle or buckle , for the space of six months .
8 We take rigorous steps to ensure that our brands are not only produced to the highest specifications possible , but that the quality of our products remains consistently excellent — whatever the product and wherever it is brewed or sold .
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