Example sentences of "[not/n't] of [adj] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The lectures which he delivered in America on this visit are not of crucial critical significance and , like other addresses of the same period , they are chiefly remarkable for the fact that he felt able to talk at some length about himself and his work — as if he realized that audiences came to see him , rather than hear anything he might care to say .
2 In any case , even for those with the extent and shape of garden to be able to consider size , shape of beds , borders and orientation , aspect is not of crucial major importance , because with very few exceptions , roses are hardy and do not need mollycoddling .
3 Thus D1 is in general not of standard canonical form ; to make it so we must at least remove f .
4 Indeed , apart from a few regionally isolated areas like the north-west of England before 1934 and the East End of London after 1935 , fascism was not of major political significance .
5 His record as an MP , especially in the Long Parliament ( 1640–8 ) suggests someone extremely active , and useful to the House , but not of major political importance .
6 But this detail is not of such great import that you should be put off sampling what is a most absorbing set .
7 As yet , coronal images are not of such high resolution as the transverse sequences .
8 The northern slopes of the island produce over half the grapes , but they are not of such fine quality as those of the south side .
9 In the 1890s the atmosphere was not of that settled calm with which it was credited by later and even more anxious generations .
10 But until this has actually proved to be possible — and Jakobson would have denied that it is — it seems reasonable to accept that both kinds of equivalence constitute a distinguishing feature , if not of all poetic language , at least of a great deal of it .
11 A number of seminal Essene and/or Zadokite texts speak not of one expected Messiah , but of two .
12 Many sediments are composed not of one single grain size population , but rather of a combination of sub-populations .
13 The commissions were not of much political importance themselves , but each of the thirty-two county commissions was headed by a national figure whose selection gives some idea of the balance of power .
14 The commissions were not of much political importance themselves , but each of the thirty-two county commissions was headed by a national figure whose selection gives some idea of the balance of power .
15 Regional identity is a theoretical category which as such is not of much obvious importance for one 's everyday life .
16 Both Aethelburh and Eorcenwald , if not of Kentish royal extraction , had Kentish connections , for Eorcenwald was founding-abbot with the support of Ecgberht , king of Kent , of the monastery of Chertsey in the Kentish-controlled territory of Surrey ( HE IV , 6 ) ( CS 34 : S 1165 ) .
17 Of more urgent concern is the uncontrolled way in which new drugs , formulations , and presentations ( not of individual high cost but likely to be used for large numbers of patients ) are introduced , without assessment of health gain or cost , into primary care prescribing by consultants ' recommendations , patient pressure , general practitioners ' individual decisions .
18 It 's not Marxism because what we actually have now in a Maoist Communist Party , as it emerges in the course of the nineteen thirties , is a leadership composed not of socialist working class militants but of intellectuals whose prime motivation is that they are modernizing nationalists .
19 It is in short the question of the economic status and opportunities of those who make up seven-eighths of the community , not of any submerged residuum
20 There is , of course , the immediate possibility that an ethnic factor , ‘ Basqueness ’ , identifies the group with Basque aspirations and so provides a dynamic rarely if at all available elsewhere ; and that this factor makes Mondragon a special case and not of any general relevance .
21 ‘ English ’ prayers were seen by these Asian children ( mainly Sikhs and Hindus ) as innocuous , even in some cases enjoyable , but not of any emotional significance .
22 Neurons do not individually have the property of consciousness , consciousness emerges when a large number of neurons are interacting in the right kind of way ; just as speed is a property not of any single component of a car , but an emergent property of the whole system when it is operating in an appropriate way .
23 Texts cohere , so cohesion within a text ( texture ) , depends upon something other than structure ; it is a property of the text as such , and not of any structural unit such as a clause or sentence .
24 The artwork , depicting scenes of Venice and Rome , is sadly not of any special value , says Mr Carter , who thinks the panels probably came from Stanwick Castle and were painted by a travelling artist .
25 The sign made up of these two elements is arbitrary for two reasons : because , more obviously , the association of a signifier ( the sound-image ‘ tree ’ ) with a signified ( the concept tree ) is , except in a very few cases , fundamentally the product of linguistic convention , not of any natural link ; and , less obviously , because there is also no natural or necessary relationship between the sign as a whole and the reality to which it refers .
26 The fact that Karajan was a man of considerable good humour , with a fund of musical anecdotes and a talent for musical mimicry , does not obscure the existence of that more private self that Steiner claims to have glimpsed and which was also evident in Karajan 's long-standing preoccupation with skiing , flying , and sailing , activities not of some rich playboy , but of a person who since childhood had been uneasy with gregariousness and the urban life .
27 By her stand we judge them , and we see that Cordelia 's calm statement of her love for her father , her refusal to compete in extravagant adulation , was the result not of some inherent coldness but of integrity under unusual and unnatural pressure .
28 It is not surprising , therefore , that recent Marxist explanations of power in capitalist society have tried to explain the more pluralistic modern forms of representation and policy-making in terms , not of some devious desire by the ruling class and their friends but as a limited freedom for actors and forces opposed to capitalism , which is constrained and limited in the last instance by the economic structure of the capitalist mode of production and its ideological hegemony .
29 They were the result , not of some unique wickedness of the age , but of the natural exigencies of a system of competitive States .
30 In that message from Constantinople , sent here , and at this time , he saw the hand of Acciajuoli , not of this self-seeking merchant .
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