Example sentences of "[not/n't] the [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What I do mean is that although most women do hope for a happy and loving relationship with their husbands , the attainment of this is not the purpose of marriage .
2 It is not the responsibility of governments to run the industry of the nation , but rather to provide a stable environment which will allow private capital to create jobs and wealth for the general good .
3 This brings me to London , not the thought about run down and neglected buildings , but the one concerning older architecture .
4 This brings me to London , not the thought about run down and neglected buildings , but the one concerning older architecture .
5 As she confessed much later , it was not the thought of failure which made Bradlaugh and herself pause at the outset :
6 The source of these difficulties is not the campaign of opposition waged by the British Medical Association , nor is it an incipient revolt among backbench MPs .
7 Science , then , is not the whole of experience but only an abstract mode of experience .
8 Life in the guise of the crime-and-punishment process snatches up hunter and hunted into the contradictions and cruelties and deceits and frailties which are , in a word , life — not the whole of life of course , but life .
9 Education is not the whole of life and there is much information that men must acquire and many skills they must learn which are no part of education .
10 Green a bad area , it 's not the whole of Green , it 's just the flats .
11 But method is not the whole of psychology , and no psychological method is intrinsically feminist or anti-feminist .
12 But this is not the whole of Eisenman 's argument .
13 Of course , naming is not the whole of language , as the opening passage of Wittgenstein 's Investigations makes us so well aware ; yet it is no doubt a central part of language , and still an important and controversial topic in the philosophy of language .
14 For an alternative formulation might be that it is the hallmark of democratic government ( which is not the whole of democracy ) that it is government by consent , by contrast with other forms of arbitrary or tyrannical rule where the wishes of the people are ignored and their assent or support is not sought , or considered necessary .
15 These tremendous images … are not the whole of Christ 's teaching , but they set forth the supernatural mystery which is the heart of the teaching … .
16 Not the lack of direction but the fact that the various initiatives were going in different directions !
17 the fear she 'd lost him not the lack of doubt
18 They 're just what you would expect to encounter on safari — except that the backdrop for these elephants is not the wilderness of Africa 's vast plains but the flower-bedecked veranda of a neat house .
19 ‘ I thought terns liked coasts and estuaries , not the middle of cities ? ’
20 But it is surely not the will of God that a gentleman who has come here to practise medicine …
21 Another suggests that Dom Pérignon spent several years in the Benedictine monastery at Alcántara in Spain and that it was he , not the monks of Santiago de Compostela , who brought the cork to Hautvillers .
22 And the Western experience of sex , he argues , is not the inhibition of discourse , is not describable as a regime of silence , but is rather a constant , and historically changing , deployment of discourses on sex , and this ever-expanding discursive explosion is part of a complex growth of control over individuals through the apparatus of sexuality .
24 " The strings were not the ornament of life but its substance .
25 Drescher has not the pervasiveness of Wedgwood 's image of the kneeling slave , first designed for a medallion at the time of the 1788 petition campaign but afterwards widely translated to other formats .
26 The goal of history is not the realization of God or the pursuit of reason , but the full development of a supra-individual ‘ humanity ’ ( Elster , 1985 , p. 1 16 ) .
27 This is not the disappearance of work emphasized by ‘ post-industrial ’ theorists .
28 A principal medium of transgressive reinscription is fantasy — but again , not the fantasy of transcendence so much as the inherently perverse , transgressive reordering of fantasy 's conventional opposite , the mundane .
29 ( Not the Streams of Lethe more )
30 But on the whole I was the receiver , not the giver of advice .
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