Example sentences of "[not/n't] always [vb infin] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What one hears said by others does not always match up with our own experience , and we can no longer look round expecting to find clear-cut models of behaviour .
2 Those who promise great things do not always match up to their own or anyone else 's expectations !
3 Friend not lose sight of the fact that need does not always exist only in the inner areas of a city . ’
4 Such sites do not always show up at all well , because crops grow differently over old infilled ditches .
5 It must be remembered that an important objective for the financial institutions is to sell their services , and this aim may not always coincide exactly with the interests of those learning how best to buy those services ( and , sometimes , learning when it is best not to buy them ) .
6 Children assign distinct meanings to distinct forms , but the distinctions they make early on do not always coincide exactly with the conventional adult ones .
7 These stages relate to the spiritual exercises which embrace reading of scripture ( lectio ) , meditation ( meditatio ) , prayer and contemplation although those who use this terminology do not always do so in a precisely similar denotative way .
8 Aesthetic and romantic ideas of the beneficent properties of ‘ natural ’ remedies do not always stand up to the realities of practical life .
9 Indeed the habits of our civilised forebears at work and play would not always stand up to the scrutiny of the modern conscience .
10 While the procedure was to some extent artificial and led to conclusions that did not always stand up to later study , it did at least mean that the different forms of early Christian teaching could now be admitted for discussion , and the possibility of real conflict between opposing views recognised as a natural and proper element in the development .
11 There are several ways of tackling such preparation and although these do not always fit neatly into discrete categories , some understanding of the general approach followed is useful for governors and staff .
12 Some peaks of demand can be dealt with by using consultants , but they tend to be expensive and do not always fit well with ill-defined but important factors such as the favoured style of the organisation .
13 The kind of variation revealed by occasional spellings as primary evidence does not always fit comfortably into the standard historical linguistic mould , and so it has often seemed convenient to ignore it or explain it away , sometimes on the grounds that variability of the kind apparently attested is ‘ impossible ’ .
14 Inevitably individual urban initiatives do not always fit solely within one or other grouping : there is a degree of overlap between the classifications .
15 Although this did not always turn out to be quite what was expected , it was at least memorable .
16 Methods that are simple in principle are not to be scorned , though they do not always turn out to be simple in practice .
17 In the last years of the Soviet Union and in the new republics the militia found itself dealing with a level of public demonstration — and sometimes disorder — of which it had no previous experience , and it did not always deal efficiently with them .
18 But they do not always have right on their side .
19 They do not always transfer easily to the public sector .
20 What they are writing about in reality are the ideal standards of their own social group , those that give meaning to their work practice even if they do not always live up to them .
21 Why could they not always live together like this ?
22 Always select popular groups and rugs which represent a reasonable cross-section of the sizes and prices ranges on offer ( i.e. from a small nomadic rug to a workshop carpet ) , because prices do not always fluctuate evenly across the board .
23 Of course , it does not always work out like that .
24 If the results did not always work out in the way intended , the blame for the failings of the criminal justice system can not be attributed to any lack of zeal to legislate .
25 After the Second World War , however , there was a more rapid advance : democratic regimes were re-established in Germany and Italy , and from the late 1970s in Portugal and Spain ; many colonial territories gained their independence , though they did not always develop subsequently in democratic forms ; and at the end of the 1980s the collapse of communist regimes in Eastern Europe was followed by the restoration , or creation , of democratic political systems .
26 The lattice of concepts does not always fall neatly into two layers .
27 The work of French women theorists is also beginning to be translated and discussed in this country , although for French theorists , the boundaries between philosophy , literary theory and psychoanalytic theory are often fluid , so that their work does not always fall clearly into the familiar categories of philosophy .
28 Jasper had several times mentioned Muriel , and this could have given Alice a clue , if her dislike of Muriel did not always rise promptly in her , preventing her from hearing what she might have done .
29 He must be ready to speculate , for the sources ( in this case the chronicles and records of government which provide him with much of his material ) do not always come up to expectation .
30 Haas was a very great editor and made important restorations ; but you ca n't always go back to Bruckner 's first ideas — the first version of the Eighth Symphony , for example , where the first movement ends with a fortissimo coda .
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