Example sentences of "[not/n't] need [to-vb] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Batteries will last longer because they will not need to drive the discs or maintain data when the mains current has been switched off .
2 I do not know if elegans shares the interesting ‘ primitive ’ features of livingstonii — it is certainly quite similar in appearance — but if it does then perhaps we have here a group of fish descended from ancestors which stopped off on the way to the rocks , and which did not need to evolve the specialisations needed in the more-densely populated and competitive atmosphere of the rocky zones .
3 When she came to the yellow and blue ones , she did not need to count the beads on the teacher 's necklace , but simply picked up three together with one hand and threaded them .
4 We do not need to increase the limits for at least another 18 months .
5 Do n't do n't need to do the equals , you can go straight on to the divide by a hundred .
6 So you did n't need to cut the sides at all .
7 You do n't need to follow the instructions rigidly .
8 He did n't need to throw the stones .
9 This device should give us a single analysis in about five minutes rather than ninety as at present as we do n't need to separate the mixtures , we can do the analysis directly .
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